Chapter 188. Noisy Departing

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" Wait a second. You mean that you can go all the way to Blackstone from here?"

" Yes, Delcan. I can. Actually, with my current abilities and my meager control over my mana output, I think I can bring another person with me to, but I'd probably pass out from mana exhaustion as we land in Blackstone."

Since I held off on delivering the letter that King Leonard gave me to Warrick, I thought that today, which was the 3rd day I was back home, would be the best day. Since we've shown Delcan and Charlotte around Paradise yesterday, I didn't see a reason why I should hold off any longer. As I was getting ready to leave, Delcan had asked me if he could join me in my travels. When I explained that I wasn't actually going to travel from Paradise to Blackstone on foot, he looked confused. I then reminded him about how we arrived in Paradise so quickly. I then spoke about the fact that I could probably bring another person, but for now that would be foolish, since I need to be conscious in order to speak to Warrick and Aqua when I arrive. Hopefully, in about 2 months I'll be able to bring 2 other people so I can bring Sarah and Anna with me to meet them. At that point, I should be able to warp myself to Midori Village, which as it stands was actually farther away from Paradise than even Blackstone. If I had to guess, I'd think it's around 2 times the distance between Paradise and Blackstone. While I was thinking about all of this needless information, I thought about Prince Delcan, and I couldn't help but notice that I was missing an important piece of information about him.

" Say, Delcan... Not that I'd like you to go immediately, but when do you plan on returning home to Darkheim?"

 Delcan heard my question, and it seems like he wasn't really expecting that question. I hoped he doesn't think I'm asking this maliciously. It's just hard to really work on the things I want to with an "outsider" around us. I've already lied to him recently about why I'm arming Paradise with quality equipment. While self-defense is actually a part of it. Me doing it exclusively for other Nobles is still only around 1/3 of the reason why I'm doing it. The other 2 being to have a military force strong enough to protect Paradise and our assets from any enemy foreign or domestic, when we become well known for our food and all the other plans I have for the town. The last reason being if we were to be invaded, we'd be capable of taking the culprit, Noble family or anyone else who attacked us down for good. Honestly, that's probably the biggest reason for it. Though, I hope it never comes to it, I'd be lying if I said, Sarah, Anna and I weren't somewhat waiting for an opportunity like that to show we shouldn't be messed with. Especially Sarah and Anna. I think it might have to do with the facts that Demons seem to be more geared towards being more war-like than Humans.

" I've been allowed to stay here until the summit. Well, if it happens... If not, I'll head back when ever it's convenient for you, Matthew. I'm your guest after all."

" Okay, I guess I'll ask Warrick for a timetable after he reads the request from King Leonard."

Delcan nodded to my words.

" It's still so strange to me that I'm saying goodbye to you even though you're not even walking out of the door."

" Well, I'm a special kind of guy Emily."

Emily started to speak to me since Delcan and I's conversation had finished just now. Sarah, Anna, Emily, Ruby and Charlotte were also in my office.

" It is a strange feeling and I'm not sure if Matthew's nonchalant attitude helps anything about it."

" Lord Matthew is just really talented, Ellie."

" Wendy, Ellie, make sure you both look after everyone while I'm gone, okay?"

" Of course!"

They both answered in unison. Alongside whom I previously mentioned, Ellie and Wendy were also here. While I was gone, Ellie and Wendy asked both Ruby and Emily to mentor them. I found this strange at first, but I didn't really see a problem with it if that was what Emily and Ruby wanted to do. from what I understand, Ellie and Wendy seem to both be getting taught how to fight and protect themselves by Ruby. Emily will teach them clerical work as per the girls request after they're able to protect themselves. I pat their heads as they were looking up to me with glittering eyes. I had to be careful not to cut myself on Ellie's sharp horn.

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