Chapter 294. Shifting Calamity

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                                                                        Alice Mars Point Of View


His flying sword slashes continue to fly all over the black forest as Big Sis and I continue to hide. It's been hard lying in wait for the perfect opportunity, it took biting down so hard on my lip that I actually drew blood from it. I try to release a breath I had been holding for a few moments now as slowly as I could. I refocus on my purpose. I watch him as he loses his mind more and more as he fails to find Big Sis. I keep thinking that the perfect moment has come, only to reel myself back from striking. This blood red aura seems to be at fault for my readiness to strike, but it seemed to react to my intentions as it had transformed from a strong blood red glow to quite a subdued illumination as I continue to hide my presence. Sure, the impulses are a bit annoying, somewhat confusing as when I was watching Matthew fight... Different feelings started to pour out of my chest, but those things should be saved until marriage!... Or at the very least, when we aren't fighting on a battlefield. Regardless, I need to stay put. One of the quirks of my first Job Class, Royal Beast Warrior, is that there's a branch of skills for assassination, that's why I'm like this in the first place, I'm using a camouflaging skill called Gecko Walk from that branch of my skills. It hides my presence and helps me blend into my surroundings; I think it's been almost too good of a skill since I've nearly been caught in the fighting regardless of attempts to flank our enemy.

" Found you!"

Big Sis seemed strange somehow? She seemed like she had just accepted something from the look on her face? Her body... That black and purple mana? What is that?



Sarah howled and it made my heart nearly beat out of my chest. For some reason, I could feel that killing intent from the red aura around me begin to swell in my chest again. What is going on?


" What!?"


Sarah, with great speed, threw herself into a wild jump and then brought her halberd down onto our enemy. The reverberations of their blades clashing were quite loud and the impact from Sarah's attack caused a small crater to form at the feet of the God Of The Blackwood. That purple and black mana that had begun to leak out of her body has now surrounded her and began to form into some shape... No... It's becoming multiple spears.

" Wha.... What is this?"

Even the God Of The Blackwoods was surprised at what was happening, he had look as if he'd never seen this sight before. He wasn't the only one as I still wasn't sure what was happening.

" Die!"


With his word, a black vine came out from the ground and struck Sarah in her stomach and sending her flying into a tree. She fell back onto the ground without attempting to stand. Did she get knocked out from that? But Big Sis has taken harder blows during sparring and has been able to walk them off with no issue? That mana as well. Its spears are looking more and more strange, like clouds shifting and reforming in the sky. One moment their spears and the next they're reforming into what looks like screaming faces and skulls. This is all happening around her body like she's in a see through purple and black bubble. What is going on with her? Is she in a berserker rage like before?


Just as I was getting worried about what would happen next, the mana settled into becoming spears, 12 purple and black mana spears had formed all around Sarah. They all then formed a line each that connected to Sarah's waist and then the lines split themselves and interconnected to each other's lines creating a thin circle around Sarah's waist like a hula hoop. 5 of the spears dug into the ground, which is what all of those loud clanging noises were from. Sarah finally stood back up and looked at her enemy as the spears seemed to burrow themselves underground.

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