Alice Mars's Point Of View
Sarah charged at the man we were fighting, but he dodged every attack that came towards him with ease. Anna and I provided back up to Sarah's attacks, but I can't find the correct timing to assist Sarah's attacks, they have no rhyme or reason to them, she's only attacking with the hopes of landing. What is this? Her mana is growing in intensity with each swing.
Sarah continued to miss the mark. Only this time, I could finally time an attack myself.
" You again?"
He addressed me as he was falling directly into the path of my kick that was going to hit him in the head.
" What!?"
" I'm getting tired of you."
My leg was grabbed from behind me, I was flung away by the man, however instead of landing in a wall I was able to place my hands on the floor and stop the momentum of the throw. This is different than when he tried to attack Anna and Matthew took the blow. It was then that I made a discovery... He's playing with us. He's just dodging and barely putting anything into countering. He doesn't fear anything that Sarah or I can do to him. But he's keeping a close eye on Anna's movements. We need to take advantage of that. I need to tell Sarah tha-
And just as I was thinking that Sarah came flying next to me, not because she was hit, but because the momentum of her swing took her with it.
" Sarah! Listen!"
Huh? She... She completely ignored me? What's wrong with her?
" Alice, can you stand?"
Anna called out to me; she moved closer to me as Sarah was currently keeping our enemy busy.
" Yes, I can stand. More importantly, Anna! He's toying with us!"
" I know."
Anna answered me along with a calm nod.
" It's our only saving grace currently, Sarah has lost herself. Her Job takes her sanity away if she has strong emotions while fighting, watching Jo- Our Husband get sent flying sent her over the edge. This has been building since we woke up and saw his state while that man was standing over top of him. We need a new strategy to end this so we can go and check on Darling."
Why did she stutter when she was talking about Matthew? That was strange. Her heart even fluttered for a moment... What does it mean? No, wait! This isn't the time. She's right we need to do something. I don't really have any ideas though.
" Your face says you have no ideas, aren't you a Princess and a Warrior? Weren't you trained to lead? You have no ideas?"
Anna pressed me for an answer. I guess my face gave away how lost I was feeling.
" Anna, I was trained to fight armies and soldiers. This... Thing isn't either of those things. It's a monster that's disguised as a man. I don't have too many ideas."
" What effects does your Job give you?"
" I'm a Royal Beast Warrior. So, I can fight with pretty much any weapon or martial arts, but I don't have any magic to use or weapons right now. So, I'm limited in my options, I'm trying to think of a strategy, but I don't have enough information. What about you, Anna? Do you have any ideas?"

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...