" Well, King Warrick, that's why I'm here as well. I was quite surprised to see the contents of your letter when it arrived last year, King Warrick."
" Really? You have no idea how 3 Elves got their hands on Magical Devices that would allow them to masquerade as us Dark Elves? Those kinds of Devices don't come cheap, King Maximus. Even " if" you had no idea who these people were, your subordinates in separate sectors would recognize those Devices and a large amount of coin being traded."
King Maximus's response to Warrick's question had finally caused King Leonard to speak with a hint of anger in his voice.
" Along with that, you're also questioning the authenticity of Marquess Matthew's account of the incident, someone who's Job itself proves that he's an honest man, to the point that a God had chosen him as their Knight. Having said that, are you still going to pretend you have no clue about what happened last year?"
King Leonard continued to press King Maximus for an answer. He even threw me into his argument, not that I minded since I think it's a load of bull that this guy knows nothing. Especially since his daughter is the person I fought a year ago. It more or less confirms for me that he's either lying or he doesn't want to admit that the Elves did something wrong. Perhaps that's not a bad stance for a King to take? Protecting his people should be his top priority, but the situation at hand isn't going to ease up from him pretending it didn't happen.
" Well, if that's really how you feel, King Leonard, why not have Marquess Matthew restate what it is that happened last year exactly? Since he's the only witness after all."
King Maximus thought that was a good counter for King Leonard... He's definitely brazen, I look to Warrick to see what he'd like me to do, he shakes his head... I guess he wants to let King Leonard let out all of his emotions...
" Again, you dodge the question at hand, King Maximus. We've all read the report that's been vetted by King Warrick and Queen Aqua already. We've spoken to other witnesses to the crime that took place, they all have corroborated the accounts of Marquess Matthew. What happened, happened."
" Really now? Is that the truth? The last I read of this report, King Leonard, Marquess Matthew had gone on record as being the only person to have seen this Magical Device that he apparently hit which revealed an Elf was in a glamour. How could you have witnesses to that besides Marquess Matthew? Who's to say that Marquess Matthew doesn't have a hatred towards my people? Who's to say his God doesn't? The Humans have many Gods who despise Demons, Beastmen, Dark Elves and even us. Of course, the same could be said for every country. But how can you be so sure that he isn't lying? That this just isn't an attempt to coax Demons and Dark Elves into attacking Alfheim for some scheme that Promethia has cooked up?"
" Why not allow Marquess Matthew to answer that question, King Leonard? After all King Maximus is questioning him."
Warrick spoke as everyone was absorbing what King Maximus said. He turned to me as a signal that I was allowed to speak. I was definitely going to take it. I quickly stepped forward and said the first thing that came to my mind, to be fair it's been on my mind for a while, but it doesn't make finally saying it feel any less great.
" To be honest and fair, King Maximus is correct, the report technically does lie if you were to read it."
/ BANG!/
King Maximus smacked the table with his hand with a gleeful expression on his face. His daughter, Princess Eve was also quite happy to hear my words. I wonder how long that'll last? Everyone else was quite unhappy. King Leonard in particular looked shocked at my words. Speaking of that, I should continue before anyone gets any ide-

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...