Chapter 321. Thankful For What You Have

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" Hnnn...."

" Good morning."

When I opened my eyes, I saw a still unfamiliar ceiling compared ot the one I'm used to. I looked to my right to see Sarah staring back at me with a bewitching smile that felt out of place this early in the morning. I was woken up by Sarah petting my head, she was lying on her side and had her arm above my head. Before I could respond to her, I felt another hand wrap itself around my chest from my left side.

" Good morning, Darling, Sarah..."

Anna must've been woken up by Sarah's movements. It's rare that Anna is the last one to wake up during the morning, I guess that's a sign that we've been tiring ourselves out recently. I was mostly to blame for that, ever since we found that basement, I've just wanted to be with Sarah and Anna as much as possible. For some reason, looking at Patrick's unmoving face just shook me for some reason. Besides the mornings where we and Lily restore the land, we've been spending most of our time together, just the 3 of us. I mean, Princess Alice, Ellie, Wendy and our guards were also around, but they seemed to notice something was off about me, so they gave us some space. Speaking of them, Princess Alice has seemed a bit off as well, ever since I hugged Sarah and Anna, it's like she's been wanting to say something, but Sarah and Anna said they already talked to her about it, and I shouldn't worry. Pushing that to the back of my groggy mind, I responded to both of my Wives' greetings.

" Good morning, Sarah, Anna."

They both wrapped their arms across my chest this time.

" You finally seem like you're getting back to normal, My Love. I'm glad."

" It's not that we mind all of the us time, but we were starting to get worried, Darling. Though... Food for thought, maybe you should keep acting like this with us from now on, I know I wouldn't mind."

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief. Today's the first day that I've woken up and it felt like there wasn't a lump in my throat. I explained to them as soon as I could about what happened. Then I explained that I didn't know why I felt like that, but I knew that I just needed to be with them. Maybe I was just overworked and needed a few days? Maybe the changing point was that yesterday they finally found Victor's body in the western lands of the mansion? Sitting here pondering doesn't really do much for me, I guess. It didn't matter in the end, I still wrapped my arms around Sarah and Anna, who didn't ask any real questions, they just happily doted on me, and I did the same. Thinking back on the past few days, I just squeezed them a bit closer and said the only thing on my mind.

" I love you both so much."

" We love you too, My Love."

" We're always going to love you, Darling."

We just sat there for a few minutes, just enjoying the morning, but with the call of a rooster a bit of a ways from us, we decided to start the day.

" Todays the day for the funerals finally. Darling, are you going to go directly after breakfast?"

" We can always skip it, My Love. I know it might seem rude, but if you're not up to it, we can always just pay our respects privately?"

" No, I'll be okay today."

I tried to allay their worries, but I don't know how well I did that. Honestly, I feel like a storm cloud has lifted off of me and it's all thanks to them. Not only that, but the Fracks siblings gave me space as well even though this is technically their home. I should thank them before we leave after breakfast.

" Okay, let's get going then!"

Sarah and Anna were ready to leave and so was I, so we left for the dining room table pretty quickly. Since I've been in my mood, Sarah and Anna have taken turns holding onto me during the day, since our guards were still around, it never really went past what could be called " mild flirting", but during the night, all bets were off. They were surprised during the first night since I've been saying we shouldn't in another person's home even though they ended up having their way regardless, it was a different ball game when instead of resisting, I started initiating it. Last night being the wildest of the past 3 days. With that in my mind, I don't think it's a lie to say that we were all really hungry.

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