Chapter 284. Safety Isn't Guaranteed In A Fight

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" What? How?"

He seemed at a loss for words as he turned around to see the armor that covered his back had been broken into pieces and laying on the ground.

/ Thump!/

Even though it'd be seen as " dishonorable" to attack someone from behind, whether it be because of the support spell's effects or my own anger at not being able to stop the God Of The Blackwood from hurting Count Sark, I couldn't stop myself from jumping towards him to attack him from behind.


A right hook imbued with Holy Mana sent my enemy flying towards the left of where we were. I quickly turned to Count Sark and Count Gorse.

" Gordon! Get him out of here! Take his arm as well, I can heal him and reattach it later! Have Lady Diana freeze the arm! I'll hold him off for now! Come back after he's safe!"

" I can still fight!"

" You're losing too much blood! Don't make me command you, Phil! Go!"

Count Sark grimaced at me, the desire to fight from the support spell of Count Tye was spurring him to fight no doubt, but with Count Gorse pulling him after picking up Count Sark's arm, he eventually caved, and they started to walk back to their wives.


" You think I'd let you leave!?"

With the Counts attempting to leave, the God Of The Blackwoods didn't go after the person who sneak attacked him, instead he used his speed to appear in front of them. I jumped as soon as I saw his face twisted in rage screaming at the two Counts in front of him.

" This embarrassment will not stand!"

The God raised his sword to the sky and the sickening glow of its blade cloaked in the God's mana gave more than a hint into what the God Of The Blackwood intented to do with it... Or at least that would be the case, if not for me.


" It'll stand if I want it to!"

I shouted at the God as he flew away, I then turned back to the Counts and shouted again.

" Get out of here! Now!"

They listen to me even though they'd rather stay and fight or maybe they had complaints that I was raising my voice to them even though I was younger and more inexperienced than them.

" Scum!"

Unlike last time, the God Of The Blackwood seemed to be completely focused on me again. I'd smile if not for the fact that one mistake and I'd end up with something much worse than just an arm being cut off. Even with that being an omnipresent threat for me, I continued the channeling of my Holy Mana into my fists and smiled as I waited for my enemy's next move. I didn't need to wait long.

/SHING! Thump!/

" WOAH!"

With a quick flick of his wrist, the God Of The Blackwood sent a sharp flying slash towards me. Maybe because of the rage he felt or because he's used more of his energy than before, but I could see this slash coming towards me, I was able to jump out of its way thankfully.


But even with that small victory for me, my enemy didn't let up. That familiar sound came from behind me. I could feel the wind on the back of my head which must've come from his hand approaching me.


I ducked quickly and saw that I dodged the hand coming from behind me. With the few seconds of time it took him to retract his arm, I quickly jumped backwards in order to kick him in with my foot that I had channeled Holy Mana into.

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