Chapter 311. Talking To Kim

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" And then, while I was dreaming, a charming Prince came to my rescue!"

" Really! Where is he!?"

" Right there!"

" Huh?"

Somehow the conversation had moved to being about Princes and Sarah had explained how we came to meet. Kim had the look of a person completely absorbed into the story... Until Sarah pointed at me... The sparkle in her eyes faded.

" Hey now. That's a bit unfair, he's very dashing when he wants to be!"

" Thanks Sarah... That means a lot..."

Sarah immediately came to my defense, but Kim didn't seem to believe her.

" You should've seen him last night, Kim. I doubt there was anyone more courageous than Our Husband. He dove headfirst into fighting the enemy last night."

" He even saved me from being captured, in a P... Princess Carry no less!"

" Alice... If it's too embarrassing to say, you don't need to. Besides, it was the safest way to catch you after I freed you. I'm sorry if that was uncomfortab-"


Before I could finish apologizing, Princess Alice cut me off quickly... The look in her eyes nearly sent a chill down my spine.

" Are you sure someone this dense is ' Princely"?"

" It's one of his charms as well. You'll understand when you're older. When you find the man you want to be your husband."

Sarah and Kim were whispering something behind me as Princess Alice took most of my attention away. She always has such weird mood swings....

" See, even Kim sees it."

" It's not polite to point at a Marquess, Vic."

I give Victor a side eye as I decided to push the conversation towards the original reason we came here.

" Kim. I'd like to tell you why we're here, if you don't mind?"

" Shouldn't you tell my mom that and not me, though?"

" Well... I'm hoping that talking to you.... May help your mom. At least I hope it does."

Kim took a few moments to think about what I said, then she nodded her head.

" Okay. The reason why we're here, is because of your dad and brother."

" Dad and Vic? But they've been missing for weeks? How did you meet them?"

Okay, now I just need to answer this in the nicest way I can...

" Well, you see, I'm a Paladin, Kim. And one of the abilities of Paladins is that I can speak to ghosts..."

" Ghosts?"

" Yes, ghosts... That's how I met your brother, Victor."

She didn't seem to understand what I meant. It's probably hard to come to the conclusion I'm trying to guide her to... She's too young.

" What I'm saying Kim, is that I met Victor, who's a ghost now. He passed away sometime before I got here."

" But... That would mean..."

" Yes, Victor died."

* sniffle.*

She started to cry as the last word came out of my mouth.

" How could he be dead!?"

" I'm sorry about what's happened to him, Kim, but you need to keep listening to me, okay? Just try to hear me. Victor and your father are still here in this room. Right there."

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