Victor Harvey's Point Of View
Where am I? What was I doing? Pops wanted me to collect the sheets... What happened? %$#$^%^$##...
" AHH!"
My head! When I try to think about what happened. What are these flashes? Whose eyes are those!? Where am I?
It's nighttime... It was the afternoon before...
Again! My head! Why!? Now that I get a look around... It's the northeast hallway.
What's that sound? I look around... I guess it's better to go towards the tapping than just stand here wondering. I start walking and try my best not to wonder why I'm here currently. Once I've made it closer to the tapping, another noise begins to fill my ears. It's a humming... It's sound is familiar to me. Who is it? Why do I know it? &*^%&^%$%! Again, my head!!! I quickly approach the door and go to enter the room where the sound is coming from. I hope it brings release to this splitting pain.
I turn the knob and enter the room. It's a bedroom... I remember this place.... It's where Lady Fracks would stay when she and the Master would have a disagreement...
" Mother... sniff..."
Lady... Cindy? She's crying... Her grey eyes which poked out of her unkempt dark blue hair had tears falling from them onto her nightgown that covered her slim body. If not for the sadness I know she's feeling from the loss of her Mother, you would swear this was a scene that was made by a master painter. Why is Lady Cindy here though? She should be at the Acadamy *&^*&%&^$%&!
" AHH!"
" Who's there!?"
Lady Cindy heard my yell. I try to talk, but someone talks before I can let my voice out.
" It's me Cin. What are you doi... You're crying? Why!? Are you okay?"
Young Master Byron walked right past me, like I wasn't even there. The pain was still radiating in my mind.
" Big Brother... I... I just miss Mom."
" I miss her to Cin."
The Young Master and Lady Cindy seemed to share a moment together as the pain receded from my mind.
" All we can do is live Cin. She still lives through us. I'm doing everything I can to honor her wish to make Zana a better place. I can't do it alone though. Father's basically broken down since Mother... Left us. I can't do it all alone though. I need you to be strong now Cin. Together as her children I know we can do right by Mother."
Young Master Byron helped Lady Cindy to her feet.
" I know Big Brother. But I can't help but miss her. If she were here, she'd weep at the sight of what's become of Zana and our home."
" I know Cin. I've been so focused on making sure that Zana stays standing that I neglected its upkeep. I mean, so many people from our staff have resigned. Whenever I ask Peter about it, he says that they all found greener pastures in Trapda or Skion. I need to find a way to make people want to move here or stay here. Life as a Lord is difficult."
" Have you heard about Paradise?"
" Yes, where the Human and Princess Sarah moved to. I believe Father sent an invitation for them to join us for his birthday celebration. I wonder if we'll actually be able to feed all of the guests that have been invited."

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...