Chapter 306. Taking Your Own Advice

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" We can carry his body, by chance does Princs- Lady Sarah have some sheets we could wrap my Father in?"

" Do you Sarah?"

" Yes, I do, here we can use this linen, I picked it up while we were sightseeing before. It makes sense to wrap him in something from Zana."

After the passing of Count Fracks, we've sat for a few minutes so everyone could compose themselves. Now that we have, we're trying to figure out the best way to bring his corpse back. Byron suggested wrapping it in cloth since we didn't have any caskets lying around. Luckly, Sarah did have some and even some from Zana, we did look around at the shops, I remembered she grabbed the sheets because she liked the material, maybe I should look for a replacement for it before we leave? Will I even have time? I'll try to squeeze in time when I can.

" Okay, I'll get to wrapping him up."

" Byron, you're his son, you shouldn't have to wrap your father up."

" I know Uncle Phil, but I feel like it's the right thing to do, could you help me instead of keeping me from doing it?"

Phil seemed unsatisfied with Byron wrapping up Count Fracks's body, but he seems to want to do it. He must be thinking something along the lines of it being his " responsibly", instead of that, it looks like all of the Counts will help wrap and carry the body. I'd help as well, but I have some other issues to deal with.

" Are you sure they're gone?"

" Yes Lady Cindy, they disappeared into the sunrise, I can't see or hear them, I... I think they crossed over together. I know it's sad as it's your parents, but it's the natural order of things."

Lady Cindy continued to question me about her parents being gone and I kept having to disappoint her with my answer. The emotion in her eyes reminded me of myself, every time I'd wake up from a dream about my parents, I'd forget what happened for the first few minutes of waking up, then I'd remember what happened. It looks like this last time was the straw that broke the camel's back, however. Her eyes gave away that a feeling of loss was eating at her now.

" Lady Cindy, I've lost my parents too. When I was younger than you, they were taken from me in an accident. I wanted so badly for them to comeback. They never did. I'm not going to pretend that the feeling of that loss ever goes away, because it won't. It's going to be there every day."

" Why are you telling me this?"

" Because I wanted to get to this point. Even with that hurt in me, I'm happy now. When my parents... Passed away, it took a long time for me to realize that there were still people who cared about me. They helped pull me out of that hurt, they made me realize that I still had a life to live. You already have that around you. From your brother to everyone else here, you also have the kids of the Sarks and Gorses, you have people that care about you and want you to be happy. I mean look at me, I even found love with my Wives, your parents knew you were strong, they said so themselves, they know you can pull yourself through this. They believe in you, everyone around you believes in you and so do I."

Lady Cindy didn't respond with her words, she only nodded her head and moved over to the Counts and Byron to see if she could help.


  " How nice of you to try and give a girl a push on the back when she needs it, you're not attempting to make a move on my niece are you, Marquess Drake?"

A friendly slap on my back hit me and Lady Kina began to tease me. I first turned to Sarah and Anna whose ears seemed to have perked up from Lady Kina's words.

" No, I'm a happily married man, I just offered her some advice since I've been where both she and Byron have been. They're both strong, but Byron's able to center himself better, Lady Cindy needed some help with balancing."

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