Sarah Ericsson's Point Of View
I failed... I failed so terribly... Those were my only thoughts as Anna and I pulled John out of the wall he was stuck in. He was safe though, only sleeping. He was bleeding lightly, but before I could nurse his wounds, I noticed that his body had already healed the small cuts that were bleeding on the side of his head. A Paladin's recovery isn't something to joke about. It's almost too amazing to believe. No, perhaps it's a Paladin's body in general? From raising a Barrier to seemingly sensing who was a friend and what was an enemy. Maybe I'm placing too much importance on the tool? I can tell that John himself is the reason why we were being protected. This interaction of bringing out his Barrier more or less confirmed to me that he was currently having a conversation with Angela. I wondered what they might be talking about as I continued to wipe the sweat, blood and dirt off of My Love's face. This started to calm me. Even while he isn't directly speaking to me, he's somehow still helping me. Anna explained about our enemy, where he was, how he captured Alice, Gasha and Tana. I know we'll get them back.
Noises rang loud as something began to assault John's Barrier. However, his Barrier stood strong against the onslaught. Anna checked to see that the barrage of sounds had been caused by multiple black seeds. No doubt they were sent out by our enemy. I thought that perhaps the seeds were just sent towards us as a chance to harm us, I was proven wrong in this idea quite quickly.
The sounds of screams and bodies seemingly dropping onto the ground began to come from all directions, the sounds brought more anxiousness to Wendy and Ellie. Anna began to take a look with her eyes as I began to speak to the kids.
" I know it's scary right now, but we're safe, Matthew is protecting us. The Barrier will hold. So just try to relax, panic never leads to anything good in situations like this."
" Uhm."
They didn't speak to me, just made a sound that seemed to say that they understood. After I had spoken to them, I turned to Byron, he didn't seem to be holding on too well. While the damage he took wasn't enough to truly injure a Demon, I'm afraid that the mental damage may be too severe to stand back up from. Regardless of how I feel, he needs time, time and he needs to speak to someone that isn't a complete stranger to him like everyone here is.
" Sarah! I've seen what's happening!"
" What?"
Anna spoke with seriousness. I waited for her to collect her thoughts before she continued to explain everything.
" The black seeds, they're..."
Her eyes darted over to Byron; it seems it's something that might put him into a worse state. Byron noticed Anna's stare. after a second he took a large breath and then a strength returned to his eyes.
" It's okay, the worst 2 things have already happened, just tell us."
With the dignity befitting a Noble, Byron seemed ready for anything to come his way.
" The black seeds are bonding with Demon hosts and making them attack fellow Demons!"
I'm not sure if it was the girls, Byron or even me who gasped first, but in the end we all did. I asked the first question that seemed to be the most important.
" Are the ones who aren't bonded with the black seeds fighting back? And if so, are any winning?"
Anna nodded to my words.

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...