Chapter 359. Tea Party For Liz

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                                                                   John Ericsson's Point Of View

" Wow!"

Liz looked at the table full of different small dessert portions spread all over it and couldn't help but be dazzled by it. From multiple flavors of ice cream, different versions of cheesecakes, pies and regular cakes, I went the whole 9 yards for Liz to have a tea party of her wildest dreams. Sarah and Anna even got the other girls to dress like Princesses today to match Liz's own dress. Sarah had dressed in a frilly purple ball gown dress; it matched her eyes and made her long white hair stand out even more than usual. All in all, her demeanor was one that gave the idea that she had just arrived from the Royal Palace in Blackstone. She was currently sitting at the table along with Anna, Emma, Charlotte, Emily, Ruby, Wendy and Ellie. All who were dressed up as well. Anna was in the same dress as Sarah, only her ball gown was a dark green color to match her hair and eyes. I wasn't sure what everyone else was dressed up in, I only saw Sarah and Anna's dresses, because they had changed in our room as I put on my own black tuxedo and red tie for the tea party.

" And everyone is dressed up! Just like me!"

Liz turned to me to speak out in surprise. Les and Maria chose to keep this a secret from her and only asked her to change into what I think is called a bouffant gown? It's a light red dress that matched her eye color. It was full of frills and ribbons, Liz looked like what I'd imagine a Fairy Princess would look like if that could explain it any better.

" Liz! It's a tea party for you!"

Emma got up out of her seat to excitedly tell Liz what was happening. She moved from her seat to help Liz to the table. Emma seemed to be dresses in a sleek dress that fit her body that had only one strap around her shoulder, along with a corsage full of red roses that shared the color of her dress along with her hair and eyes. She looked like a femme fatale from a spy movie to me. Granted, she didn't seem to have the personality of one. For some reason, after we had our rematch for the sparring match yesterday, she ended up apologizing to me for being " selfish" during our first meeting. I didn't pay it any mind and just accepted her apology since she seemed almost scared as I saw her eyes looking back and forth at me and a stern looking Anna. That was the 2nd day of the Mori Family's visit. Today was the last full day they planned on spending here in Paradise, before heading back home. I've been planning this little buffet of desserts and tea for Liz since I heard they were coming to Paradise. Mostly because I know how much Liz misses Anna, Anna had said many times that the letters that Maria had given her always mention that Liz wants to see her as soon as possible. With that in my mind, I thought a blowout tea party with her family and some actual Princesses would be nice. Les and Maria are changing into their tea party clothes as we speak, and I guided a dressed-up Liz to the dining room.

" And everyone's going to join us! Thank you Jo... I mean thank you Matthew!"

Liz was super excited as all of the girls nodded their heads. She quickly thanked me before looking back at all of the girls in their dresses. Over the past few days, they've all been getting along with Liz quite well, she seemed to enjoy their time with her as well, so I didn't see too much of an issue having them join Liz, I asked Anna and Maria if it would be okay, since at first I thought it would be more of a " family" thing, but Maria was all for it, so Sarah and Anna handed out the invites and the only rejection was Flare because she was assigned to go hunting today.

" Yup! We're all here as your guests today, Liz!"

In the time I spent thinking about everything, the rest of the girls got up to attend to Liz. It was her party after all, so it only fits that the guests would welcome her. Anna was the first to speak to Liz, while Anna and Emma took Liz by her hands and guided her to the table, I was left behind with everyone else. Sarah was at my left side with Charlotte and Ruby standing beside her, Emily was standing at my right along with Ellie and Wendy. Charlotte and Ruby were both wearing slim dresses that hugged both of their bodies close. It was almost a way to show off how well toned both of their bodies were. I had no doubt they were both proud of all of the hard work they had put into training their bodies, so it made sense. Carlotte's dress was black and held up with 2 shoulder straps, while Ruby's was wearing a light blue dress with 1 shoulder strap. Each of their dresses helped their eye and hair color to pop more. I could tell they thought long and hard about the best dresses to wear that wouldn't negatively affect either Liz or My Wives dresses. While that wasn't a problem in the moment, there was a part of me that felt bad about it, like they were holding back for some reason. Granted, it's the world of women, so I probably shouldn't step into it as the only married man in the room.

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