Chapter 355. Lunch And Lots

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" Hapu... Hapu.... Hapu.... Ow...."

" I told you to eat it slowly, Liz. That's called brain freeze, I know it hurts, but don't worry, it'll pass."

Everyone laughed at Liz's reaction to the ice cream she had been eating with fervor. After Lucas greeted his family, we all decided to have a late lunch since our sightseeing took a bit longer than we thought it would. For some reason, even though I gave them the day off, Emily and Ruby were also here to enjoy the lunch... And somehow Charlotte ended up here as well. I didn't mind since Jim said he had already planned for quite a few people to show up, so I shouldn't pay it much mind. I found it difficult to argue with him as he headed back to the kitchen to cook while letting out a slight chuckle. While Jim and everyone else who were already used to Charlotte's presence in the mansion, the Mori Family were not.

" Yes, Liz, you need to mind your manners a bit more..."

Les was glancing back and forth at Liz and a smiling Charlotte. If only he knew that Charlotte's current expression means that she's too absorbed in the taste of the freshly made apple pie topped with vanilla ice cream that she was eating.

" Dad, like I said, it's fine, Charlotte isn't the type to be bent out of shape by Liz. Though I hope she learns to not completely devour the ice cream now."

" Anna.... It hurts...."

" Not you too, Emma!"

Both of the Mori sisters seemed to be having a good time all things considered.

" My, this is wonderful!"

I turned to see that Maria had just taken another forkful of strawberry shortcake. It looks like she's a big fan of the cake. Les was a little less fanatic, but judging by the fact he cleared the small pizza that was served to him for lunch, perhaps he's just more of a savory fan than sweet? It's possible... Maybe I should look into making coffee flavored ice cream? Something to think about another day. For now, I was simply showing the 4 members of the Mori Family some of the cuisine I'll be introducing to Blackstone and the other towns in time. Right now, they're a special item for Paradise. And I've heard nothing but good things from the Mori Family so far. The reason why I've decided to hold back on teaching anyone outside of Paradise how to make things like pasta and pizza is down to one simple fact, Demons aren't used to the flavors that dairy products provide. So, for right now, I've only introduced ice cream, milk and cheese along with cheesecake since I wanted to give the idea that they should try combining different savory and sweet flavors together. Granted they only have a limited amount for now, since we've yet to work out a resupply schedule for the towns, but we'll find all that out in time.

" Hapu.... Hapu.... Hapu..."

" Looks like she didn't listen."

Sarah turned to me as she looked at Liz continuing to eat her ice cream without a care in the world.

" It's not like she's the only one, right? I seem to recall someone asking me to heal them of their headaches the first few times they had ice cre-"

A single soft finger came to my lips along with a shushing sound as Sarah's cheeks blushed slightly.

" I thought we agreed not to talk about that anymore?"

" No, I just agreed to heal you at the time. I don't know why you want to hide it; you were so cute afte-"

Sarah quickly swiped some of the apple from her slice of apple pie and shoved it into my mouth with haste. She and Anna have taken to using their enhanced abilities that have come from their Jobs to do things like this whenever I have them on the back foot verbally, while I could find it somewhat annoying if it was someone else, it's being done by my bashful Wives who're acting so cutely. There's no way I could be mad about it. However, as I chewed the apple pie, I couldn't help but think about the taste... There's a bit too much cinnamon in it for my taste... Maybe Jim made it more for a Demon's palate? I'll see if it was just a mistake, or something done to appeal to a Demon's tastes later.

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