Chapter 360. Lucas's Half-Hearted Resistance

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" I'm up! I'm up!"

" See, we told you that you would use up too much mana!"

" Darling, while I'm thankful for you volunteering to bring My Family back home quickly, I'm not happy about you forcing yourself into a state of Mana Exhaustion... Even if we do get to kiss because of it..."

" Sorry... I thought I could make it here... I guess I bit off more than I could chew... Wait a minute? What's wrong with my lip?"

" That's my punishment to you, My Love."

" Really, in front of Liz?"

I was currently on the dirt ground of Midori Village, instead of having the Mori Family take a few months to head back home, I decided to just bring them back with Paula's warping ability. Everything was going well, until I actually landed on the ground. To be fair, I brought, the Mori Family, including Lucas, as well as the carriage and luggage they brought with them... Along with some farewell gifts in the forms of ice cream and cakes, as well as some wheels of cheese for Les. Finally, My Wives and I as well. I was able to get everything through, but it looks like my jumping through the portal was a bridge too far, I've been tempering as much as I could the past few months, but I guess I was overconfident. If I had to think of an average, I've only been tempering about every 3 days for the past 8 months because of how busy I've been.

" It's fine... I've covered her eyes!"

Maria gave a wink to Sarah and Anna to quiet down my complaint. I don't think Maria understood what I was trying to say about public decency. I quickly picked myself up off the ground and did the only thing I can do when I see Sarah and Anna concerned about my wellbeing.

" Sorry... I'll try not to do that again... For now."

" Do you have enough mana to get back, or should you rest for a bit, Darling?"

" I have enough for all 4 of us."

" That's a shame..."

I decided to ignore Sarah's small mumble that I heard and swat some of the dirt off of me. Now that everyone was here, we were going to spend lunch with the Mori Family before heading back to Paradise, where I would work till the King's Summit next month. Thankfully, with Emily and Colin's help, I was actually ahead of schedule for once. If we all kept going with our current momentum, I'd imagine we'd be finished with time to spare about a week or 2 before the King's Summit.

" So, with that, why don't we-"


" AH!"

Just as Maria was about to say something, a loud whack rang out all around us, I heard Lucas yell in pain so I quickly turned around to see what just happened.



" Wait! It's not my fault!"


Lucas was doing his best to dodge the actually somewhat pitiful taps from his attacker. It was another Dodomeki, her appearance was striking, not because of me falling for her or anything, but her skin, hair and eye color were all the same color, hot pink. It was surprising to see, since most Demons I've run into have different skin, hair and eye color. But more importantly than that...

" Can... You... Just.... Give... Me.... A.... Second.... Selina!"

Lucas couldn't seem to gain any ground right now... I was starting to feel bad about it.

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