Chapter 332. Road To Paradise From Zana

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" Ah, that's me then. Stop the carriage, Edmon!"

John asked for the carriage we were in to stop and then he walked out of the door. We've left Zana around 3 hours ago. Currently, the travelers in the carriage were all the same on the way to Zana, except of course for 2 new members.

"... I... Is he always like this?"

Ms. Victoria couldn't believe what she's been seeing, Alle was the first one to speak up about John's work ethic.

" Yes, even when we were supposed to be relaxing after the battle, he was working on different things, Ms. Victoria."

" Like what?"

Ms. Victoria spent most of her time inside her house first deciding on whether to leave or stay, then making preparations to leave. From what I understand, she left her house to her sister who was still living with their parents until today. Because of all of that, it seems that the word about what John has been doing has escaped her, Alle however, was more than happy to inform her about it.

" For instance, the lands around Zana were devastated from the battle, he personally went to each field and restored them."

" How did he manage that?"

" I... I'm not sure? I wasn't with him after all."

Alle turned to look at me with a confused expression on her face.

" Well, since you're going to be living in Paradise, you're bound to run into the information since some of our people have already seen Lily in person. Our Husband's 2nd Job is Summoner, he's entered into a Contract with Lily the Rose Queen of The Spirit Forest."

" You mean the Spirit Sovereign?"

I nodded my head to Ms. Victoria's question.

" Currently he's Summoning Gilbert Harrow, the King of the Molemen to create the road that we're riding on. Since he's made a deal with Byron to fix the roads."

" 2 Spirit Sovereigns? How did h-"

" They chose him because of curiosity, from what he's told us. So far, their relationships are quite positive."

Ms. Victoria was quite surprised by the revelation of John's 2 Contracted Spirits. I could understand why, but when it comes to Anna and me, it only makes sense for such mythic figures to reach out to him, he's Our Husband after all! There's no doubt in my mind that someone who could make us fall for him as we have could attract Spirits like them.

" Continuing on, he's even personally saw to the renovation of the roads and walls of Paradise, I've seen him Summon Gil and work tirelessly during the day. The dire food situation that used to be a fact of life while living in Paradise has completely flipped, now they've actively stored around 3 years' worth of food."

Alle continued to talk about John, it's like when a schoolgirl has her first crush... Well, I suppose that is the case since Alle just turned 18 recently.

" Even before that, he personally hunted and farmed to help the food situation as soon as possible, all of the food we have now is all thanks to him and Queen Lily!"

Ellie added onto Alle's explanation.

" He also offered my group of starving Humans a place to say when we were starving to death."

Now Wendy did as well.

" In short, Our Husband has done a lot since arriving in Paradise, Ms. Victoria. He'll most likely continue working quite hard for the foreseeable future."

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