John Ericsson's Point Of View
" Ah I miss the days when we could all drink and laugh! Now we have all this work!"
" It's not like I want to always act like a Noble! But respecting yourself and those who came before is important for not just us, but the culture at large. If you forget the past and everything that they've done for you, you'll forget yourself, Phil."
" I just want to find a girl who can love me for me!"
I believe the drinking has started to get out of hand. From Count Sark's nostalgic wants to Count Gorse's explaining and then Count Tye's lonesome wailing.... It's getting a bit ridiculous! I'm reminded of commercials and signs from my world that reminds people to drink responsibly.
" Sorry, Marquess Drake. Uncle Phil tends to drag this type of behavior out of my Father and Uncle Ed. But it's only for parties like today, usually Father paces himself well. I guess cause it's one of Uncle Franz anniversary birthdays?"
Gwaid started to apologize and explain the reason behind the Counts actions, but he really didn't need to.
" It's fine Gwaid, a little annoying? Yes. But it's not bad to enjoy the night. Birthdays should be a special occasion after all."
" Are you really not mad at them?"
I shook my head to show it was fine.
" Yeah, Gwaid, relax. Marquess Drake doesn't sweat the small stuff. My Father tried to attack him the first time they met after all. Look at them now, they're halfway to being friends!"
" Do you really think that, Max?"
" Yeah! I mean, you even healed me, Marquess Drake. I doubt Father doesn't like you. Plus, from the dinner yesterday with the conversation you had with them. They've been looking forward even more to tonight. Because they knew you'd be here!"
" Ah! Max! You shouldn't be sharing private conversations like that!"
With a hint of embarrassment and slurred words, Count Sark tried to stop his son from speaking another word. It's almost hard to believe this is the same guy that tried to attack me when he first saw me. Now here he is trying to catch Max while stumbling over his own feet.
" Ah, I see Uncle Phil has already gotten sufficiently drunk. Perhaps we should've had a no drinks policy till the food arrived?"
A familiar voice spoke came from behind me. He seemed to be a little happy compared to the stressed and tired demeanor he had a few days ago. I turned to greet him since I was the only " adult" here that wasn't a mess currently. I turned to see Byron and Lady Cindy walking over to me.
" Hello, Lord Byron. You seem better than when we first met."
" Yes, Marquess Drake, I was finally able to sleep for the first time in what felt like months. All thanks to you fixing that slight issue I had for tonight. Tell me, has tonight dealt any problems your way?"
Byron seemed to be almost bouncing as he walked over to me. It seems my comfort as a Human in a party for of Demons was on his mind. Even Lady Cindy seemed to be somewhat concerned. I thought back on the events of then night. Even with the few rough moments that have happened, probably the top of the list being that I almost started a fight with Count Tye. That sounds farfetched now, since he was currently muttering to himself while sitting at an empty table while Lord Sark and Max were playing what seemed to look like tag with each other. Count Gorse on the other hand seemed to be feeling a little unwell at the moment and Gwaid seemed to be rubbing his father's back to make him feel better. While I was surveying our surroundings, Byron was waiting for my reply with a somewhat serious look in his eyes.

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...