In Your Eyes

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Hyunjin looked at Felix with excited eyes. "You do?" He beamed.

The younger bit his lip and nodded his head. Hyunjin went to turn his body when Felix grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"I'll need you to look at me to tell you..." He confessed with a mixture of a smirk and smile.

Hyunjin tilted his head lightly in confusion but nodded and rested against the headboard.

"Draw your eyes." Felix ordered.

Hyunjin looked at him with an unamused expression. "Angel-"

"Trust me." The younger interupted. "I just need a base to work with."

Hyunjin studied his expression briefly before nodding and doing as he was told. When he was done he looked back up at Felix for the next step.

The freckled Angel looked over at the sketch and studied it, tapping his finger against his chin in contemplation. He looked between the sketch and the artist's eyes a couple of times. "Look at me." He ordered.

Hyunjin looked up but furrowed his brows in confusion. "Felix... what are you doing?"

Felix sighed and placed his hand on the artist's cheek. "Just trust me, Najia. Relax your face."

At the sound of the nickname, Hyunjin smiled softly.

"There... ok. In the drawing, soften up the eyes a little bit." Felix removed his hand from Hyunjin's cheek and smiled.

The artist looked at the younger confused. "What do you mean soften them up..?"

"Hmm...." Felix contemplated again and studied the sketch closely. "Open them up a little bit.... round out the top lids slightly, and maybe turn the outer ends up very slightly." He moved closer to Hyunjin and focused on the drawing, which the artist was currently amending. 

"Like that?" Hyunjin asked as he wiped the eraser shavings off of the paper.

Felix looked into Hyunjins eyes and groaned softly when the artist looked back at the sketch. "Look into my eyes, Najia." He huffed.

"Don't get all sassy with me." The older complained dramatically. "It would help if you told me why.

"I will when it's done. Promise. Just look into my eyes anytime you're not drawing." Felix urged with honest eyes.

Hyunjin sighed but did as ordered and looked into Felix's eyes, his frustration softening immediately as he swam in the warm brown pools.

"Make the pupils a little bigger.. and round out the inner corners a little bit. That should do it.." Felix described.

Hyunjin made the necessary changes and looked back up into Felix's eyes, who was admiring the subtle changes in the sketch that captured the parts he loved the most. Well, almost everything.

Hyunjin noticed Felix's dreamy expression turned into a pout. "Angel?"

"You missed a crucial part.." Felix pouted with puppy eyes.

Hyunjin cooed at the look and let out a slight chuckle. "Oh yeah? What's that..?"

Felix gently rubbed under Hyunjin's eye where his mole was. "That.."

Hyunjin scoffed playfully and took hold of Felix's hand, kissing it gently. "Of course.. how could I forget." He mused with a soft smile, letting go of the younger's hand and adding the little dot under the left eye. "There. How's that?"

Felix smiled down at the sketch. Even without the rest of the face, the eyes were perfect.

"The nose doesn't change. It's just a handsome nose." The younger shrugged with a playful smile.

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