Making New Waves

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When Felix stepped out of the bathroom feeling clean and basking in the smell of roses, he smiled as he saw the artist finishing up the last of the dishes from their lunch, a container of leftover food with his name on it sitting on the counter to the side.

"You know... you keep feeding me food like that and I'll have to keep coming back for lessons trying to learn it all.." He flirted coyly.

Hyunjin looked up with a mixture of a smile and a smirk. "You know.... maybe that is the whole point of luring you in. I'm in it for the long game, remember.." He mimicked the younger's tone of voice in a teasing manner.

Felix rolled his eyes playfully and smirked. "Well, that would be good thinking if I was here for the food alone then. Except, I'm not." He flirted with a coy smile.

In return, the older sent a challenging brow raise. "Hm." He hummed thoughtfully. "If that's the case, maybe I'll go hunting for someone else to kid-" he teased before being quieted by a pillow hitting into his side.

"Am I not good enough for you?" The younger challenged. His tone was playful and surprisingly held no sense of insecurity, a simple aspect that made Hyunjin smile softly out of pride.

"I said no such thing.." The older walked up to Felix and snaked his arms around the younger's waist, looking deep into his eyes. "Does this mean you'll be sticking around?" The playful undertones lessened slightly into more serious ones.

Felix looked up at him with a more genuine smile. "Let's just say I was lured in the second I saw you behind that door..." reached up ever so slightly on his toes, now almost at the taller's eye level. "...and still am." He added softly, unlocking a new level of meaning that threw Hyunjin for a loop.

The older widened his eyes slightly in realization before biting back the dorkiest smile and leaning in a little closer. "Then I guess I'll just have to stay here to keep an eye on you, won't I?" He said in almost a whisper, his face now so close that Felix could feel Hyunjin's breath fan over his lips.

The competitive side of Felix was somehow triggered by the statement, immediately causing his only objective to turn into silencing the artist in front of him. He leaned in closer, placing his hand on Hyunjin's chest, feeling how the usually steady heartbeat increased under his touch. The physical proof of his affect gave him the confidence to continue with a smirk.

"You don't think I can be good for you?" He whispered seductively into the older's ear, letting his lips brush along the delicate skin.

Hyunjin's heart rate stuttered underneath the younger's hand and a shiver shot through his body. He took a rushed step back and just looked at Felix, attempting to process his own feelings about what just occurred.

The freckled menace giggled and smirked. "I win." He teased.

Hyunjin's shocked expression dropped to an unamused one. "Win? ... That's why you did that?" He raised his brow challengingly.

"I mean partly.." Felix confessed with a slightly shamed expression. "Although, it really just gave me a reason to say it." He shrugged with the tiniest hint of a smirk.

"Ohh... I see how it is." The artist chuckled. "Well, let me tell you.. vixen.. I will always..." He threatened while walking back over to Felix. "...know how to win." The voice dropped to a much lower one, causing Felix's smirk to drop immediately to a frown.

"Jinnie..." the younger warned, already knowing by the look on Hyunjin's face that he was about to be a world of torture.

As expected, before he knew it, Hyunjin grabbed him and attacked his side with tickles, filling the small apartment with the now all too familiar sound of pleading and giggles.

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