Chef Angel

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Hyunjin opened his eyes and gasped softly, blinking rapidly to rid himself of the droplets threatening to cloud his vision.

As it started to clear up he could see Felix hiding in front of the couch, only really given away by the giggled that continued to fill the room.

"Ooohh I see." The older laughed menacingly. "Is that how you want to play, hm?" He threatened as he wiped his face off with his arm. He looked around until his eyes landed on a small kitchen towel, more the size of a face cloth. He picked it up and dunked it in the water, sneaking over to where the soft muffled giggles continued to sound out.

He smiled softly when he saw Felix in a loaf position on the couch, his face pressed into the pillow to silence his own laughter.

"Psst.." He whispered out, laughing when Felix froze in place and slowly lifted his head up with a sickenly sweet smile on his face.

The older waved innocently, somewhat dropping Felix's guard, although he squinted his eyes suspiciously as he slowly stood up.

When the younger was away from the fragile fabric of the couch, Hyunjin leaned over it and pulled out the cloth. Before Felix could escape, he wrung it out right over his head, causing water drops to rain on him.

Felix gasped and sputtered the water off his lips before letting out a shocked gasp.

Hyunjin broke out in laughter at the angry kitten look and held his arms out in apology.

Felix smirked and pulled his shirt up to dry his hair with it, achieving in both the goal of teasing and initiating his revenge plot.

When Hyunjin's eyes trailed down to the younger's exposed stomach, Felix squeezed him into a tight hug, simultaneously rubbing himself dry on Hyunjin's shirt.

The artist didn't even flinch. He returned the hug and chuckled as Felix continued to use him as a towel.

With a victorious smile, the younger let go and backed away, admiring his handy work.

Hyunjin smirked back and shrugged his shoulders, clasping onto the hem of his shirt and pulling it right off his torso. "Guess no shirt for me then." He mused flirtatiously.

Felix's jaw dropped slightly and he sighed in defeat, dropping his head into his hands with a whine similar to the way he did at the center with Hyunjin's continuous mumbled compliments.

The artist let out a mixture of a chuckle and a coo before wrapping Felix up in his arms once again. "You really are too fucking cute, you know that?" He mused genuinely.

Despite the initial rebellion, Felix soon wriggled his own arms out and wrapped them around Hyunjin's bare torso, letting the fingers trail lightly over the soft and warm skin.

"Truce?" He asked sweetly with puppy eyes.

Hyunjin smiled victoriously and nodded his head, holding out his pinky to signal agreement.

Felix returned the gesture and held onto it tightly.

"Do you need me to put on a shirt?" Hyunjin offered when Felix's eyes trailed slowly over the exposed skin.

Letting himself take it in for a minute, he bit his lip. "The little devil on my shoulder is protesting it, but it's probably best you do.." He giggled painfully, letting his hand run down the artist's chest before begrudgingly pulling it back.

Hyunjin smirked and basked in the compliment, kissing his boyfriend on the forehead with chaste before walking over to the dresser and pulling another shirt out, tossing a second to Felix as he passed him.

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