Just Hold Me

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Jisung threw the door to the apartment open and rushed inside, picking up a bottle of water on his way to the room.

When he opened the door his heart broke. Felix was curled up in the bed, his hair disheveled and body fragile.


Felix let out a broken sob and scrunched tighter in on himself. Jisung walked over and sat on the bed, pulling Felix into his lap and ran his hand through his twin's hair.

Felix wrapped his arms around Jisung's torso and burried his face in the younger's stomach.

"It's gonna be ok baby... I've got you." Jisung cooed into the youngers ear while he rubbed circles on his back.

Felix let it all out and cried until he eventually exhausted himself to the point where he fell asleep. Jisung was still holding him when he noticed the time. Felix had the day off today so Jisung was supposed to open up the center and get it prepared for the cooking class.

He sighed and looked at his twin nestled in his lap. At this point, Felix's eyes were swollen and red, his nose was rubbed raw, and his freckles stood out against the redness in his cheeks. He looked pitiful, but he was finally calm and peaceful. He let out small breaths in puffs of warmth that hit the older's stomach.

He couldn't leave.

Jisung pulled out his phone and looked at Felix with a pained smile before dialing a number he had been avoiding for days. After a couple rings, it picked up.

"Jisung. You make this whole fuss about wanting an answer and don't bother to show up?" Minho's voice sounded over the phone in anger.

"Shut up, I don't care about that right now. Listen-" Jisung spoke softly, trying not to wake Felix.

"Why are you whispering? Afraid Hyunjin will hear?" Minho spat back.

Jisung pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath to avoid losing it.

"Shut the fuck up and let me talk." He ordered. "I need you to open the center and get it ready for the cooking class tonight."

There was a scoff on the other end. "I don't fucking get you Jisung. You threaten me to give you an answer and you stand me up, daring to order me to do your job? So you can what? Continue to suck some other guy's dick?!"

"Oh get over yourself! I'm with Felix, you dick. He just got done crying himself to sleep and there is no way in hell I'm waking him up. Happy?" Jisung kept his voice low but all calmness was gone.

There was a silence. "What?" The previously angry tone was replaced by concern.

"They broke up. Now can you be a genuine person for once in your life and open up the center?"

There was a sigh. "Yeah.. of course. Shit.. I had no idea."

"If you would have let me talk, I would have told you. I'll get someone to help you."

"Ok." Minho's voice got much softer. "I'm sorry, Sung.... is he ok?"

Jisung looked down at the sleeping boy on his lap. "He will be.. I'm going to get some things packed so he can stay at my place. Are you able to close up?"

Minho sighed again. "Yeah.. don't worry about it. Just take care of him, ok? I'll come check on him when I'm done here."


Jisung hung up the phone and placed a kiss on Felix's head.


Hyunjin woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. After Jisung left last night, he stayed up to get the new stuff for the apartment unpacked. Ultimately, he didn't get to bed until maybe 2:30 in the morning.

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