Unwelcom Here

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When the line went dead, Jisung looked at his phone to see Hyunjin ended the call. He pursed his lips and went back to unloading donation boxes for inventory.

"Unbelievable.. I'm over here playing cupid and helping him out and he can't even give me the details of the fucking kiss I have been wingmaning for.. that fucker..-" He grumbled under his breath venting to nobody.

"Uhm.. Sung?" Felix appeared behind him with the next box of supplies. "Whatcha doin?" He sang like Isabella from Phineas and Ferb with a big grin.

"Inventory." The older grumbled with a pout.

"Are you taking inventory out loud..? Because, if so, I think you're lonely and i'll come every time to keep you company!" The younger beamed happily.

Jisung cooed at the sunshine twin and laughed lightly. "No. I was just grumbling.. you live your life."

"Grumbling about what?" Felix asked more concerned. "Is it my turn to beat someone up?" He threatened.

Jisung snorted and let out a laugh seeing Felix's offended face. "I'm sorry, Lixie. But you are not beating anyone up!"

Felix pouted with a huff. "I would for you.." He grumbled softly.

"Awww" The older cooed and hugged his twin, smashing their cheeks together. "I would beat someone up for you too."

Felix chuckled. "Yeah, you have."

When Jisung let go, Felix raised his brow. "So why were you grumbling? If it's Minho I can't beat him up.. but I can annoy the crap out of him!" The younger sang.

Jisung playfully rolled his eyes and shook his head in amusement. "No, you're brother's actually been behaving." He smirked. "Just didn't get what I was owed by someone."

Felix pouted, earning another coo and a ruffle of his hair by the older twin.

By the time they finished inventory, there was still an hour before Hyunjin would arrive to set up for the art class.

"Hey Lixie.." Jisung sang.

"Yes Sungie..?" Felix mimicked.

"I'm starving! Do you want to get some food?" He pleaded with his big eyes and puffy cheeks.

Felix cooed at the cute expression and nodded his head eagerly.

When they made it out to the car, Jisung started the ignition and drove onto the road.

"So..? Where are we going?" The younger twin asked when they turned onto the road that led away from the shopping center nearby.

"I was thinking..." He smirked, "we should go check out this place nearby. It's called casa de la Hyunjin.."

Felix whipped his head around to face Jisung who was trying to hide his giggling. "Sung! What?...why?!"

"Oh, come on! I bet he won't mind seeing you!" The older defended.

"Well, what if he's not ready? Or doesn't want us there...? Or has nothing to eat?!" Felix listed off his reasons to avoid going as Jisung simply rolled his eyes in response.

"Ugh fine! I guess you'll just have to call him then!" He smirked wider.

"No! Sungie... we can leave him alone for a while. Why do you want to go there so bad?" He asked challengingly.

"Because." The older huffed. "You guys kissed and he makes you happy. I like happy Lixie!"

"I am happy, Sungie. Besides, wouldn't it be bad to get happiness through a guy?" The younger sassed with a raised brow.

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