Home Improvement

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Jisung raised his brows and scanned the olders face with a smirk, walking up to him and immediately encircling him while observing his hair. "Damn Hwang" he whisteled. "Nice change." He nodded his head approvingly.

Hyunjin looked at him confused for a second but then realized and let out a light laugh. "Well thanks, Jisung. I don't know what I would do without your stamp of approval." He teased back.

Jisung clicked his tongue sassily and waved him off. "Just take the compliment."

Hyunjin looked over and noticed Chan, immediately smiling brightly. "Hey there mate!" He called out in a cringe accent. Although, Chan just laughed in response and bowed politely "Hey bro." He greeted playfully.

Jisung looked between the two with a playfully disgusted look and cleared his throat. "Well... Hyunjin? Where did you guys put the hot plate and pans after the last class?"

"Huh?" He questioned. "Oh.. uhm.. I think we put it in the back room since the supply closet was full." Hyunjin pointed at the door and started to walk that way, Jisung trailed closely behind.

Once they got into the room Hyunjin stopped. "Is this..?"

"Lix's stuff? Yeah." Jisung grumbled with an eye roll.

"You know, I'm going to rent a garage at the apartment complex to hold some of my paint stuff. We can move it in there when I get the keys next week.." Hyunjin spoke up with a sad expression. There was something about seeing Felix's personal belongings stacked up in a dusty room that just didn't sit right with him.

Jisung raised a brow. "Really?"

Hyunjin nodded confidently. "Of course.. honestly, it would make me more comfortable to have them there than here.." He mumbled.

Jisung let out an exasperated sigh. "Shit."

The older looked up at him with a confused expression. Jisung simply pointed to the shelf behind all of the boxes.

"Shit." Hyunjin copied with pursed lips.

With a mutual sigh, they both started to pick up boxes and move them to the side to get to the hot plate and pans that were settled on the blocked shelf.

"Question..." Jisung started curiously.

"Hm?" Hyunjin responded without stopping his task.

"Were you the one that packed the candles..?" The younger smirked.

"Uhm.. yeah..Why?" He followed up confused before looking at Jisung with a concerned expression. "Were any of them broken?"

Jisung couldn't help but coo at the level of concern in the older's tone. "No. It was just well packed so I figured it wasn't Woo that did it." He chuckled sarcastically.

Hyunjin clenched his fists at the name and huffed. Jisung looked over and his eyes widened when he finally laid eyes on the bruises spread across the older's knuckles. "What the fuck happened to your hand?" He called out in surprise.

"Oh.." He chuckled sarcastically. "Uhh... I kinda punched Woo after you guys left.." He pursed his lips with a cringed face.

Jisung looked at him surprised with wide eyes. "Excuse me..?"

Hyunjin sighed. "When Felix told me what he said.. I just lost it. That wasn't the only reason, but it was the last straw for me." He was ready to get a scolding from Jisung but was surprised to find the younger's expression dropped into a smirk.

"Oh hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about." He laughed, grabbing Hyunjin's hand and inspecting the bruise with a wide smile. "Ha! From the looks of the bruise and the lack of injuries anywhere else, you got him good."

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