Showers At Your Place

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"I can get in the car myself." Felix mumbled as they reached the car and Jisung opened the door.

"Nope. Let the gorgeous man help you." Jisung countered with a smirk thrown at Hyunjin.

The older laughed and playfully winked back.

"Oh my god Jisung, will you stop flirting with him over my injury." The youngest whined.

Hyunjin leaned down and put the pouty Felix in the car, his eyes widening slightly at the proximity between them before he pulled out and went to the backseat, leaving Felix to buckle himself in and adjust in the seat.

Hyunjin placed the towel under him to avoid getting the seat wet.

Jisung started the car and drove off to Felix's apartment. The younger started to shiver in the seat on the way there despite the lack of AC blowing through the car.

As soon as they pulled into the parking lot, Jisung looked at Hyunjin with a nod and then looked at Felix.

"If you just agree we can go inside much quicker than if you try to fight it." He scolded playfully as the passenger door opened and Hyunjin leaned down.

"Come on Lixie." Hyunjin teased and Felix glared at Jisung instead.

"I can't defend you if you make it harder Jinnie." Jisung teased the older which caused both to now turn their glares toward him. Jisung simply winked at Hyunjin who smirked and pulled Felix out of the car.

He smirked down at the younger who squinted his eyes and huffed but made no effort to escape.

Jisung stole Felix's keys and went ahead of them to open up the door. Once they made it inside, Hyunjin gently placed Felix on the couch.

"Maybe next time I'm here, it will actually be without carrying a person inside." Hyunjin joked.

"Oh shut up, Jinnie." Felix teased and stuck out his tongue. "Nobody asked you to carry me in." He mumbled.

"What he means to say is thank you." Jisung hissed, glaring at Felix.

"Do you need help showering Lix?" Jisung asked, completely serious.

Felix's eyes widened and Hyunjin choked on air. "No! Oh my god Sungie!"

Jisung out his hands up defensively. "What?! I don't want you getting more hurt."

"I could have made it inside just fine, you were the one that insisted I be carried. I'm fine."

"Hey, if a strong man wants to offer to carry you, you never say no." Jisung defended.

"I have a boyfriend, who mind you, is this strong man's best friend." Felix argued back, immediately blushing afterwards at the realization of what he said.

"Uhm. Should I go?" Hyunjin awkwardly interjected from next to the twins.

"Yes""No" Jisung and Felix stated simultaneously.

"Fine. Come on Hyunjin, I'll take you home so you don't catch a cold either. Would be shame to get sick because of someone that's UNGRATEFUL." Jisung directed the last part of the sentence at Felix who immediately looked guilt ridden.

"Shit. Hyunjin, I'm sorry. Thank you for helping me. You didn't have to, but you did, so thank you." He sent a genuine smile Hyunjin's way who returned it and nodded.

"Great. Let's go." Jisung ushered Hyunjin out of the apartment and they made their way to the car.

"I appreciate the ride Jisung, but I can't shower at home anyway so we can just go to the store if you still want to get the art stuff." Hyunjin shrugged. Jisung grabbed his arm, squeezing it more than he needed to and raising his brows, feeling the lean but noticeable muscle. He shook his head to stop daydreaming and looked at him.

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