Piece By Piece

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"Have a safe trip, Hyunjin." Felix managed to get out before ending the call. He couldn't hear the artist apologize. He didn't want to hear him apologize.

He sighed a deep, shaky breath and hit his head against the back of his seat as the tears escaped his eyes.

"Goddamnit Felix... get it together!" He groaned to himself. He didn't even know why he was crying right now. Visiting family over Christmas was normal... even having issues with family is unfortunately much too normal these days. Hyunjin said he would be back, said he cared about him, said he would explain. Most importantly, he has no reason not to trust Hyunjin... so why does it feel so terrible?

Felix wiped off his tears and got out of the car, taking a last deep breath to calm himself before he walked into the center.

"Hi baby!" Jisung cooed and hopped over to the younger twin, who smiled as sweetly as he could in return.

"Hi Sungie!" Felix giggled. "Your errand was quick if you made it here before me." He mused in attempt to regulate himself. He was tired of being sad.

Jisung immediately picked up on the slight quiver in Felix's voice and pulled away, squishing his twin's cheeks in his hands as he inspected his face. His happy expression dropped seeing the slightly red and glassy eyes.

Seeing Jisung's sympathetic and concerned look broke the very fragile dam that Felix had managed to build. He felt the sting in his eyes return and chuckled painfully.

"Goddamnit!" Felix cursed as a sob came out.

Jisung pouted and let out a sympathetic sigh as he pulled his twin into a hug. He let Felix squeeze as tightly as he needed, knowing that sometimes the younger just needed a human stress ball. He just rested his head on his twin's shoulder until the hold loosened and the soft hiccups subsided.

"Baby.. what happened?" Jisung asked softly, knowing well enough at this point that Felix would be able to to answer.

Felix chuckled ironically but made no attempts to move. "I don't even know." He groaned.

Jisung furrowed his brows and cupped Felix's face, wiping the tears off of his cheeks. "What do you mean?" He asked sweetly, almost a coo.

"I dwont know why I'm cwying." Felix mumbled through his squished cheeks, the pressure causing the leftover tears to spill.

Jisung pouted in a coo and squished the cheeks a couple of times before letting go of his twin's face. "Why don't you take the day off, Lixie?" He offered genuinely.

Felix shook his head and wiped his face. "I already took time off last week and there is still a lot to do.." He responded determined.

Jisung looked at his twin in dissapointment. "Baby, it's not like you went on vacation, you were sick. I had help so it's not like you left me alo-"

"Sung, it's fine. If I can work through a move, a breakup, and the person I loved almost dying and going to rehab, I think I can handle someone I barely met going home for an undetermined amout of time, after saying he wasn't going to leave, without even saying goodbye." Felix chuckled numbly as he turned to grab a wreath to hang on the wall.

"Oh Lixie..." Jisung sighed sympathetically in understanding. "Do you know what you just told me?" He asked sadly.

"That I'm fine and just want to move on with life?" Felix responded flatly.

"No." Jisung sassed and grabbed Felix shoulder to stop him. "That you have been through some shit and that I should have insisted you take time to feel your feelings a long time ago..." He explained sternly.

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