New Era

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Fortunately, Hyunjin and Felix didn't have to stale in their raving thoughts, as they pulled up to the gallery after a short ten minute drive.

Hyunjin parked and turned off the motorcycle. Unlike the time before, Felix released his hold right away. It was not that he was uncomfortable, or put off by the idea of the older. If anything, now that he knew what it was like to give into his impulses, it made controlling then much more difficult.

Hyunjin stepped off the bike and Felix passed him the helmet with a shy smile.

"Before we go inside, are you ok? You can just be my guest if you really don't feel comfortable. I don't want you to put pr-"

"I'm ok, Hyunjin." Even saying the artists name made Felix's stomach flutter. "My spiral is over, thanks to you." He smiled gratefully.

The older nodded and hovered his hand on the younger's lower back to lead him to the entrance of the gallery.

As soon as they stepped inside, Felix felt himself relax more. This gallery, contrary to the previous, was more casual and modern. There was more color in the paintings and the lighting was lighter. He felt much less out of place.

A younger gentleman walked up to the two with a polite smile. He clasped his hands together as he approached. "Welcome to Moderna. What brings you here?"

Felix looked at Hyunjin, who dropped his hand from the younger's back and reached it out to shake the gentleman's hand.

"I'm Hyunjin Hwang, this is my colleague Felix Lee." The artist introduced. "We visited Mrs. Yang at Artistique earlier today. She sent us here saying this gallery may be closer to my style of art. Is the owner available by chance..?" He asked.

Felix studied the young man in front of them, thinking he looked familiar somehow.

The gentleman raised his brow. "That depends on what you are looking for.."

Hyunjin scrunched his brow in suspicion. "I'm an artist. I just moved here and am checking out the art scene. Potentially, I would like to sell some of my work." He explained, still politely. He was professional, after all.

The gentleman turned to Felix and looked him up and down with a small smile. "Hm. Well, you're in luck. Your colleague here has a nice look. My name's Jeongin Yang. I'm the owner." He directed towards Hyunjin with his hand out to shake the artist's.

Hyunjin didn't like the way Jeongin was looking at Felix. Was he really hitting on Felix right in front of him? Hesitantly, he shook Jeongin's hand.

After shaking Hyunjin's hand, Jeongin turned to face Felix and grabbed his hand, placing a kiss on the knuckles as if  they were in the olden days.

The artist glared at the owner, feeling his jealous bubble up in full force.

"Oh.." Felix commented at the gesture, leaning his body back slightly in confusion. "Pleasure to meet you.." He greeted politely. He was determined not to mess this up for Hyunjin. Especially given the fact that they were recommended here.

With a slight smirk, Jeongin dropped Felix's hand. "So.. my mother sent you because you may be a good fit?" He glanced between Felix and Hyunjin.

The artist instinctually returned his initial placement of his hand on the younger's back. He felt the need to get Jeongin to back off. He nodded his head in response to the question.

"Well, alright. Felix, Hyunjin, if you would follow me." The owner sent the two a smile, lingering slightly longer at Felix before turning toward the hallway in the back of the gallery.

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