Don't Want Help

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Hyunjin went to the backseat while Jisung and Felix took the front 2 seats.

"So.. Hyunjin?" Jisung started.

The older looked up at him.

"What made you come here specifically? Can't you do art from anywhere?"

Hyunjin shrugged. "I don't know.. I mean, I grew up here. I went through a lot of shit here and just haven't been able to do art like I used to since I moved to Arizona. Just followed a gut feeling, I guess."

Jisung and Felix both hummed in understanding.

"I sold a set of my paintings a couple of weeks ago so was able to put some money aside. There was nothing keeping me in Arizona and I had the funds to move so I decided to come back. I'm hoping a new adventure will inspire me again." He smiled softly as he continued.

Jisung bit back a smirk. "Do you feel like it's working?"

The soft smile widened. "I mean it's only been 2 days.. but I can see myself getting inspired."

The tone that Hyunjin used sent involuntary shivers down Felix's spine.

"Oh! Before I forget. If you still wanted to go to the store to get stuff for the class Wednesday, could I get your number? Unless you're free after we finish today?" Jisung joyfully beamed.

"Hm?" Hyunjin looked up with furrowed brows. "Oh! Right. Sure, let me see your phone?"

Jisung held his phone over his shoulder for Hyunjin to take.

The older grabbed it and opened it. "Uhm.. Jisung? It's locked." He tried to pass it back but Felix was the one to grab it. He typed in the passcode to unlock the phone and gave it back to Hyunjin.

"Thanks." The older smiled. He went to the contacts and typed in his phone number.

"You can name it hot artist if you want." Jisung playfully flirted.

Hyunjin chuckled and shook his head. "Well, I'm flattered." Felix smacked Jisung in the arm and glared at the now laughing boy.

"Just Hyunjin is fine I think. Don't want it to be confusing or anything." He chuckled coyly.

Jisung shrugged. "Alright then."

Much to Felix's relief, they arrived at the center about a minute later. He was honestly less comfortable during that interaction than any time Jisung and Minho had ever flirted in front of him, which was a high bar to pass.

He shot out pretty much as soon as Jisung parked the car, leaving the other 2 in the car.

"You're really Woo's best friend?" Jisung turned to him and asked.

Hyunjin looked up at him questioningly.

"Well, were from the time that we were like 10. I just hadn't seen him in like 5 years up until 2 days ago.... why? Does that surprise you?" He asked with an amused look.

Jisung squinted his eyes. "You just seem like very different people. Vibe wise. Hard to see you and him having much in common."

There was a tap on the window and Felix's impatient face was looking in on them.

Jisung rolled his eyes and turned back to Hyunjin. "Guess that's our cue." He grumbled.

They got out of the car and followed Felix inside the center.

They all worked together to prepare for the food drive and run it, passing out almost all of the supplies that were donated for the week. At 1 pm it was time to close up the center in preparation for the Monday class, which would be hosted by a new volunteer named Changbin who had supposedly just gotten into culinary school and wanted more practice. Wooyoung was more than happy to pass the baton.

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