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Felix sighed in disappointment and groaned, earning a coy chuckle from the artist that pulled away from him.

"Saved by the bell." Hyunjin sighed as he stood up and made his way to the door.
"Do you mind putting that away?" He asked gesturing to the dryer.

Felix snapped out of his pout and nodded his head, making his way to the bathroom that was now free of steam.

Hyunjin opened the door to Jeongin, who offered a polite smile as they locked eyes. The older stepped aside and let the gallery owner in.

Jeongin looked around the apartment and smiled brightly when he saw Felix coming out of the bathroom. "Good afternoon, Felix. Pleasure to see you again." He walked over to the freckled boy and raised his hand to his face, leaving a kiss on the knuckles like he did the first time.

Hyunjin cleared his throat from behind them, sending a threatening, but of course, still professional look toward Jeongin.

Felix awkwardly retracted his hand back, cursing himself internally for playing into it before. He didn't want to be rude now, but also didn't want to lead Jeongin on.

Both looked toward Hyunjin, who painted a forced polite smile on his face and gestured toward the art pieces.

"Oh! Right.." Jeonging mused in realization as he walked up to Hyunjin and the six paintings that were leaning against the wall.

Felix followed behind and sent Hyunjin an apologetic look.

The gallery owner quietly observed each painting, studying the texture and detail that couldn't be captured in the pictures. "I like the progression in it, from bland to bright. Especially with the addition of this last one with spirals of bright colors."

Hyunjin bit back a smirk as Felix looked at him with a raised brow and pursed lips. The younger shook his head in amusement but froze when his eyes accidentally locked with Jeongin's.

"You never called." The owner stated with a dissapointed look.

"What..?" Felix responded after a pause, not knowing how to respond. This was the moment he had been dreading.

"I thought I was clear in my intention.. was it not clear? Or should I have taken the hint?" Jeongin asked more nervously.

Hyunjin couldn't stop himself from balling his fists and clenching his jaw. He was not going to fight Jeongin, but he was upset at the audacity to confront Felix during an art viewing.

The younger stood there opening and closing his mouth as if he didn't know what to say. Because he didn't know what to say..

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude. Did you even come here to look at the art? Or did you just come here to corner my.. colleague?" Hyunjin broke the silence with the most professional tone he could muster, although, the rising anger was a noticeable undertone.

Jeongin looked at him in shock. "Okay... maybe I'm not as clear as I think I am.." He chuckled awkwardly. "I was sold on the art when you showed me the portfolio, this was really just a formality." He explained toward Hyunjin before turning his attention to Felix. "As for you, I'm sorry if it feels like I'm cornering you... I just think you're gorgeous and I like your point of view of art. I would really like to take you out sometime."

Felix bit his lip with guilt.. here it comes. He has to dissapoint someone. "Oh.. I'm flattered, really..." He started hesitantly.

Jeongin sighed in disappointment. "But..?"

"I just got out of a long term relationship..." He chuckled painfully.

Jeongin's expression immediately softened. "Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't kn-"

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