Burn Out

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A/N: not me lying in the last note 🤭 I haven't been the best author to our babies and I needed to add more chapters because I can never seem to move forward in time 😅 basically, I ran into the 'I can't manage time jumps' issue again so this is what's gonna happen to avoid confusion. In order to keep everything in chronological order, this will be the continuation of the Felix/Jisung chapter. I will most likely do a double upload because I almost finished the next Hyunjin chapter before deciding this one needed to be first. Take it as my apology for keeping you guys waiting for the last one 😅🫣
Jisung desperately got into the car and started it before realizing he had no idea where he even needed to go. He tried to put himself in Felix's mind. Tried to figure out where the younger would even go.

He was so frantic that he went blank. There was nothing that was coming to mind and his hands started to shake. "Think, Jisung... think!" He cursed to himself as he clutched the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white.

He replayed the last conversation he had with his twin over and over in his head. It wasn't until he dropped his head on the wheel that he remembered what their fight even stemmed from.

"Hyunjin..." Jisung mumbled to himself as he backed out of his parking spot and turned onto the road. He silently thanked the universe that the artist lived so closeby, consequently lessening the amount of time inevitably spent in the torment of knowing that he kicked his best friend while he was down.

The short drive was made even shorter by the speed at which he was driving. He would need to remember to ask for forgiveness later when his crisis mode is deactivated.

Jisung feverishly scanned the parking lot for the familiar red car that belonged to his twin. When he didn't find it, the panic returned full force once again. He ran through the list of Felix's favorite spots in his mind. The bakery near his old apartment, his old apartment with Woo, the candle section of the store, the pet shop on the other side of town, his own apartment...

"Ugh!" Jisung hit the steering wheel in frustration. He picked up his phone and dialed Felix's number. It didn't surprise him when the call went straight to voicemail.

                        LIXIE BABY <3

Where are you
delivered Tues 1:45 pm

He decided to go to the next closest place as he continued to try to call. When he made it to the store, he drove couple of laps around the parking lot in search of Felix's car. His heart broke slightly when he didn't pass it in the filled parking lot.

Jisung was about to go to the next stop when he kept thinking about the slight chance that he may have missed the car and Felix was inside. He parked his car in the loading zone with the hazards on and rushed inside. He didn't have the patience to wait for a spot to open up so he could look.

Sure enough, Felix was nowhere to be found and Jisung left with a disappointed huff, which turned into a full blown groan when he saw the ticket on his windshield.

He snatched it from underneath the windshield wiper and threw it onto the passenger seat before driving off to the next place.

It took about an hour of driving around helplessly to cross off everything on his list without success. The only place left, was their apartment. Jisung cried and groaned in frustration, both at the extended period of anxiety he had been in, and the realization that maybe he didn't know Felix as well as he thought he did.

He raised his brows in shock when he entered into the parking lot of his apartment complex and saw Felix's car parked in its usual spot. He sloppily parked his car and ran as fast as he ever had up the stairs, not even bothering to wipe his tears before barging into the apartment panting. He looked around and felt a completely new wave of guilt rush over him at the sight of Felix wrapped in a blanket with a mug in his hands and the plushie that the older twin gave him of a ferret in his arms.

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