Welcome Back

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Wooyoung parked his car and huffed, having finally found a spot after driving around 3 times with no luck.

Before he was able to exit out of the car, his phone buzzed in his jeans. Worried that Hyunjin had already managed to get through customs and retrieve his luggage, he fished it out of his pocket and sighed as he read the notification.

Little Choi

I miss you.
We were both drunk, Woo. It doesn't have to mean anything if you want to forget about it.

Wooyoung bit his lip as guilt spread over him like a flame. He let his fingers hover over the keyboard momentarily as he ran through any potential responses in his mind. Instead of a response, he deleted the message and shoved the phone back in his pocket, taking the keys out of the ignition and sliding out of the car.

He tried to push the memories of that night, however blurry they may be, out of his head. The burning sensation tingled his skin at the memories of San's hands roaming his body flashed before him. The more he tried to push away the invasive thoughts, the more they grew. The smell of whiskey on his breath, the way he tasted faintly like marishino cherries, the pure desperation in their movements.

"Shit" He cursed under his breath as he felt his jeans start to tighten.

"Spiders, old ladies, vaginas, Brussel sprouts, come on Woo" He muttered to himself in the hopes that it would make the images appear in his head. Thankfully, it worked and he could feel the tension downstairs start to dissipate.

Focusing his attention back to the task at hand, he walked to the part of the building labeled arrivals and entered through the doors. He joined the crowd of awaiting people and looked expectantly over at the sliding doors leading from baggage claims. Not that he really knew what he was looking out for. He hadn't seen Hyunjin in 5 years.

He knew it as soon as he saw him emerge from the doors. Sure, Hyunjin's previously silky black hair had been dyed an ashy blonde, a subtle undertone of red lingering behind. He also had grown and his face had matured, but the sharp almost feline eyes and full lips remained the same. It wasn't his appearance that gave him away though, it was the way he carried himself. Hyunjin had always managed to somehow look put together and laid back at the same time whenever he entered a room.

"Do my eyes deceive me or is that the Hwang Hyunjin?" Wooyoung dramatized as the younger strode over to him, only a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

"Woo. It's really good to see you man!" Hyunjin pulled him into a hug.

Wooyoung looked at him suspiciously when he pulled away. "Who are you and what have you done with my Jinnie? Or did the blonde hair suddenly make you affectionate?"

"Not a chance. Don't get used to it, this will be your hug for the year" Hyunjin responded with a disgusted look on his face.

Wooyoung pouted in return and huffed.

Hyunjin raised his brow at him. "Nope, do not go throwing a tantrum in this airport. You are lucky I even gave you a hug."

"Tsk. How you are my best friend is beyond me!" He dropped his arms to his side dramatically. "Is that really all you brought? Where is all your stuff?" Wooyoung eyed the single bag slung around Hyunjin's shoulder.

"Yeah." He shrugged. "I sold everything I had. Wasn't much anyway."

"Right..." wooyoung looked at him like he was crazy. Maybe he was.. but when you are trying to make a fresh start, what's the point of having more than a few clothes and your prized paintbrushes?

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