Sleepless Nights

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~the same night~

As soon as Hyunjin closed the door behind him, he leaned against it and took a deep breath.

"Shit... shit. Shit. Shit" He cursed under his breath and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

He walked toward the kitchen and put away the simple groceries he decided to get. There was no official inventory for what the place came with so he took a look through the cupboards to discover it had only the basics. There was enough to make simple meals, but he enjoyed to be more adventurous when it came to his cooking. He took out his phone and created a note for things that the apartment still needed.

Since it had been a long day, he opted to just go for some ramen, thankful that he had enough sense to get some just in case he didn't have what he needed to make an actual dinner. He put some water in a pot and placed it on the stove to boil while he put the rest of the groceries away.

He opened up his duffel bag and took out his paintbrushes, placing them on the dining table along with his sketchbook and pencils.

The water started to boil so he turned his attention to the single box of ramen that stood on the counter, emptying it's contents into a bowl and slowly adding just enough water to soak the noodles and mix in the seasoning packet.

It was quiet a sad scene, him sitting at an otherwise empty table in an empty apartment, but that's how Hyunjin liked it. He was used to being alone and didn't mind his own company in the peace and quiet. This very moment, however, he felt the pang of loneliness. It was very slight, but it was there.

After finishing his food in less than peaceful isolation, he washed out his bowl and cursed to himself that he didn't think to get a dish towel or drying rack. Fishing out his phone, it was another thing to add to the list. He wiped the bowl dry with a paper towel before placing it back in the cupboard.

There was only a dresser in the small studio but that was enough for Hyunjin's fresh start. The last thing in the duffel was his bag of toiletries, which he put to the side for the time being so that he could focus on making his bed instead.

When he picked up the bag with bedding, he heard a clang on the floor. Looking down, he saw a set of keys and his eyes widened.

"Oh shit... the center..."

Hyunjin set the bedding down and took out his phone, cursing under his breath when he remembered that he never got Felix's number.


Could you let Felix know that he dropped the keys to the center at my place?
I'm not sure when they were going to be setting up, so could he drop by on his way over?

He placed the keys down on the kitchen island before continuing the task at hand and getting his apartment ready with what he had.

Once his bed was done, he made his way over to the bathroom and frowned immediately, realizing there was no shower curtain.

"Who rents a furnished apartment with no shower curtain..?" He grumbled.

There was still no response from Woo, which started to make him nervous. He didn't want Felix to freak out in the morning thinking they were lost. They actually were just misplaced this time. He added the shower curtain to his list and set out the stuff that he packed and the stuff that he bought at the store.

With a satisfied huff he looked around the apartment. It still wasn't much and his things barely made a dent, but it was his, and it felt good.

Feeling newly inspired, he sat down at his dining table and opened up the sketchbook, looking around the room and sketching out some of his ideas before he lost them.

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