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Felix woke up the following morning in a bundle of nerves. Not only because he was sick and still struggling with his temperature, but also because of the visitor that was going to be stopping by in a matter of hours.

Hours seems like a long time, sure, but in this case it couldn't be fast enough. I guess what they say is true. The lead up to the event is the most anxiety inducing part.

To help him settle his stomach, he walked over to the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea. Normally, his creamer with a bit of coffee would be the go to, especially on a cold day like this, but the idea of having another factor to increase the rate of his heart was really not one he was looking to entertain this morning.

As the water was boiling, his eyes landed on the box of Christmas decorations that Jisung had already taken out of storage before he left. It was his best friend's favorite time of the year.

Actually, the box had been sitting on the floor for the past two weeks. Jisung said that it was his motivation to make it through the rest of November. Originally, they had both planned to set everything up this weekend, but with the camping trip and Felix being sick, they would have to postpone it. Although, by postpone, he really meant until Monday morning.

When Felix opened the fridge, he smiled to himself and cooed softly. Being the Christmas elf he is, Jisung had already stocked it with his gingerbread creamer and ingredients for his favorite butternut squash soup. He knew that the older twin had always been a big fan of Christmas, but another big part of him also recognized the extra attention spent this year. He knew that Jisung was trying to make the first Christmas without Wooyoung extra jolly, and it really did cheer him up more than the older would ever know.

Seeing that it was only nine and Hyunjin wouldn't arrive until eleven, Felix decided to take his cup of tea and run a bath in hopes of calming the heaviness in his chest and the congestion that was hurting his entire face. He was grateful to have the energy back, and to be able to swallow without feeling like he was trying to ingest pins and needles, but the long lasting symptoms had not cleared by any means.

Felix knew it would do him good to soak in the strong menthol remedy, but he hated smelling like a cough drop. It didn't really make a dent, to be completely honest, and that fact was not lost on the freckled boy by any means, but to him, adding a splash of his own vanilla product at least let him feel like he was doing something.

With his cup in hand, Felix lowered into the steaming hot water and deeply inhaled the cooling vapors that immediately started to soothe his chest some. It wasn't enough to feel completely better, but it was something.


Hyunjin woke up in the morning bright and early. Well, bright and early for him, which these days meant he woke up before noon. More miraculously, though, he woke up before his alarm, which he set for nine.

The sunlight coming through the window was much too reminiscent of days prior, immediately causing his mind to jump straight to honey brown eyes and black messy hair that occupied the space in his bed which was glaringly empty now.

He chuckled lightly at the irony. "What would dear Mr. Kim say if he could see me now." He laughed as he shook his head in amusement. The thought, however, and his conversation with Jisung led him to impulsively do something he swore he would never do again five glorious years ago.

Before getting a jump start on his day, Hyunjin reached under his bed and picked out the laptop that was neatly stashed away. He opened it up, started a new tab, and looked up the all too familiar name of his dear old therapist. Actually, Mr. Kim wasn't old at all. He was fresh faced when Hyunjin started working with him when he was 16 years old so he may be in his late twenties now?

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