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As soon as the line went dead Hyunjin groaned and ran his hands through his hair. Every part of him wants to explain... to tell Felix everything and exactly why he's going away. But he just couldn't, and even he didn't know why the thought alone made him cringe in on himself. But that would have to be an issue for tomorrow. Right now, he needed to get moving if he didn't want to have to deal with the guilt of not finishing the project on top of everything else.

It took him all night to finish the last posters, not getting to bed until seven in the morning. It didn't help that he had to wipe or blow his nose every minute or take breaks because the coughing would have made it impossible to draw a straight line. He in no way planned on being gone past new years, but he didn't know what to expect, so he was not about to let anyone down.

The alarm blaring at eleven was more intense than ever, immediately bringing a pounding headache to the surface. Based on the phone call yesterday, he was not about to get off easy, meaning he had to try to get himself as functioning as possible to face the wrath that was coming to him.


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jisung spat as soon as the door opened. He didn't wait for an invitation before pushing his way in, practically caging the artist against the door with his intimidating stare.

Hyunjin backed up and raised a brow at the situation, the expression a mixture of surprise and challenge. "Well hi to you too, Ji-"

"Don't give me that shit." The younger rolled his eyes. "Felix trusts you, and out of nowhere you're gonna tell me that you're leaving town for some reason and time frame that you can't share?!" He ranted.

Hyunjin was about to speak when Jisung glared at him and give him the finger. "I'm not finished." He gritted.

The artist huffed and gestured for him to go on.

"He doesn't even fucking know that I'm here right now. Why the hell did you call me and not him? He deserves better than this Hwang!" By the time he was finished, Jisung was practically panting.

"Are you done?" Hyunjin asked seriously, although hesitantly.

Jisung glared back at him. If looks could kill, Hyunjin would be obliterated to a pile of dust. "I'm done..." He seethed.

"I couldn't face him. If he was here, I would have to explain, and I can't do that, Sung." Hyunjin explained in a shameful tone of voice.

"And you think you're about to get out of this without giving me one? Because you are so fucking mistaken if you think I'm going to wave you goodbye and put your Angel back together to welcome you back." Jisung hissed before taking a deep breath to calm himself back down. "You better have a good ass reason."

Hyunjin chuckled painfully and looked Jisung dead in the eye. "I can't explain the reason I'm going because I don't fucking know the reason. I can't explain the time frame because I don't fucking know what it is, Jisung." He ranted right back as he pushed past the younger to the kitchen to grab the bottle of whiskey.

"Nope. Sorry, not good enough." Jisung spat as he held out his hand, gesturing to get the bottle.

"What do you mean not good enough?" Hyunjin passed the bottle over.

"It means what it means. You're gonna have to do better than that, Hwang." Jisung took a sip from the bottle. "I fucking rooted for you. I vouched for you with Minho so he didn't kill you for getting close to Lix. If you wanted someone who would accept no explanation, you should have called Felix because he is a lot nice than I am. So either you tell me what the fuck is going on, or I will make sure that you never lay eyes on my baby again." He threatened with full sincerity, not once breaking eye contact with the taller artist in front of him.

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