Let's Mend

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Jisung and Felix walked back into the building and went to close the box when the younger paused and took out a candle. He opened the lid and smelled it, immediately feeling a newfound sense warmth in the vanilla and lavender scent.

"A little pallete cleanser?" Jisung asked him with a curious expression.

Felix smiled softly and looked at him, placing the lid back on before setting it aside. "Something like that.." He smirked.

"What's with the face?" Jisung squinted his eyes suspiciously.

"Can I burn it at the apartment?"

The older raised his brow and stuck his hand out to see the candle, still maintaining his suspicious glare. "Sure.... let me smell."

Felix handed the candle to his twin, who proceeded to remove the lid and smell it with a hum of approval. "Not your usual taste but I like it. Reminds me of someone.." He smirked with a raised brow.

Felix blushed lightly but feigned innocence and took the candle back.

"Can we go home now?" He yawned.

Jisung cooed. "You called it home.." He waddled over to the younger and hugged him from the side. "Yes, we can absolutely go home!" He let out a little squeal causing Felix to giggle sweetly with a playful eyeroll.

When they got back home, Jisung parked the car and found Felix asleep in the passenger seat. For a minute, he just admired his peaceful best friend. He couldn't help but smile softly, knowing that he was going to be ok.

He sighed deeply, pulled out his phone, and opened up a chat.


I'm sorry for what I said
He's gonna be ok
Just needs some time
delivered Sun 7:49 pm

"Lixie... wake up, baby..." Jisung called out softly.

Felix softly fluttered his lashes and smiled when he saw his best friend's face. He stretched out his arms and yawned like a kitten.

Jisung cooed softly. "We're home."

The younger looked out the window and nodded in understanding before unbuckling his seatbelt and stepping out of the car. When he walked over to the backseat, Jisung looked at him confused.

When Felix popped back into view, he was hugging the sketch and the tub to his chest.

The older had to fight the urge to point out the affectionate mannerism of his twin, knowing that it had already been a long night. He just wanted to let his best friend to have a few moments of happiness.

When they got inside, Felix immediately went into the room after giving Jisung a hug and mumbling a small goodnight.

The older walked to the kitchen to grab a glass from the cabinet and poured himself a large glass of wine, dialing his boyfriend's number on the phone.

After a couple of rings, relief flooded his system when he heard Minho's voice.

"Hi, love." He greeted sweetly.

"Jagi.." Jisung couldn't help the slight crack in his voice.

"What's wrong..? Are you ok?" The tone of Minho's voice remained sweet but there was an added urgency that previously had not been present.

"Really long day... we had to get Lix's things after we finished the food drive."

"Shit.. want me to come over..?"

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