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Hyunjin couldn't stop the soft smile from showing on his face as he looked to his right to see Felix with a spoonful of soup hovering by his lips and captivated eyes that were slightly glassy locked onto the screen.

A stray tear escapes the younger's eye and Hyunjin put his spoon back in the bowl before rubbing circles onto Felix's leg. The action pulled the younger out of his focus on the movie and made him turn his head toward Hyunjin.

"Angel..." the artist cooed as he wiped away the tear from his cheek. "It's just a movie, Love." He chuckled endearingly.

Felix pouted in rebellion. "Oh shut it." He swatted Hyunjin's hand away. "It's cute." He mumbled.

"Yes you are." Hyunjin mumbled softly with a smirk, glancing inconspicuously at Felix who pushed down a smile out of stubborn desire to reject the compliment. "I know you heard me." He smirked a little wider.

Felix feigned innocence as he shrugged his shoulders and slurped the soup off of his spoon, humming happily in satisfaction from the taste of it.

Hyunjin chuckled softly and shook his head in amusement as he focused his attention back on the movie. He rested his hand on Felix's leg and scratched the limb softly through the blanket. He could hear the younger sigh softly next to him with upturned corners of his lips.

They both finished their soups in comfortable silence, Hyunjin trying his best to follow along in the movie but with all that he missed, it didn't all completely makes sense.

"So you're telling me Jen-" Hyunjin started as he looked toward the younger, only to find him sleeping peacefully, tucked into the corner of the couch.

He cooed softly at the way that Felix was wrapped up in the blanket and just looked so soft. All day, the younger had just been cute and the duality threw him for a loop. To think that this Felix in the fuzzy socks and soft shorts with his sweater paws was the same Felix that was grinding down on him days before, was wild to him. It made Hyunjin want to protect him and wreck him at the same time.

He very carefully leaned forward to grab the remote from the coffee table so that he could turn off the TV, making sure to move as little as possible to avoid waking up his sleeping Angel.

He considered if he should even stay... would Felix be ok with it? Would he rather be woken up instead? He took one look at the younger though, and couldn't do it. Instead, he made himself comfortable in his position and took out his phone.

He scrolled through the internet for a little over an hour, looking at places to visit to get some inspiration for his art. He hadn't painted in over a week and wanted to get back to doing what he loved to do. Subconsciously, his other hand was softly massaging Felix's ankles.

Felix started to stir lightly and inhaled deeply, fluttering his eyes open slowly. He coughed because of the deep breath and groaned after, dropping his head back on the pillow. The gentle massaging to his ankles didn't process until he stretched his feet. He immediately looked up to see Hyunjin looking down at him, still carelessly scrolling through his phone.

"Good morning, Angel." He mused with a small smile.

"Good.. morning..."the younger responded on instinct. Hyunjin had to laugh at the clearly out of it state on which Felix woke up. "What time is it...?" He asked groggily while rubbing his eyes.

"Uh... almost three." The artist responded .

"Shit... why didn't you leave?" Felix asked with wide eyes.

Hyunjin smiled coyly and raised a brow. "Did you want me to?" He chuckled.

Felix scrunched his brows and squeezed his eyes to wake up more. "No... I just.." He yawned.

Steal His Heart - HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now