I'm Sorry

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The pair spent the next ten minutes of the car ride in silence.

Felix was trying to calm himself down, he knew it was all his fault and that Hyunjin got sprayed because of him. All he could do was sniffle softly in the car.

"Are you crying?" Hyunjin asked, his tone neutral.

Felix didn't say anything in response, he turned the music up a little louder instead.

"Really?" Hyunjin's tone became more frustrated. He let out a sigh as Felix did not offer another word for the rest of the ride.

The car came to a stop and Hyunjin could hear the driver's side door open and close. A couple seconds later, his door opened and he felt an arm snake around his waist, supporting him while he got out of the car.

He was led a couple of steps to what he figured to be his front door.

"Where are your keys?" He could hear Felix finally speak. A giant wave of guilt fell over him as he heard the fragile and shaky sound.


"Just... your keys, Hyunjin." The younger sighed.

Hyunjin reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys, holding them in his hand so the younger could grab them.

Felix turned the key in the door and pushed it open. He led Hyunjin over to the bathroom and let him lean on the counter while he turned on the water.

"Ok, the shower is on so I'll leave you to it. I'm sorry. I'll see you around, I guess.." Felix shakily stated.

"Wait." Hyunjin urged back, trying to reach out for the younger but unable to open his eyes.

Felix sighed and halted his movements.

"Can you wait? Please?" Hyunjin pleaded with a much softer tone of voice.

Hesitantly, Felix nodded his head. "Okay.."

Hyunjin heard the bathroom door close and he ran his hands through his hair. Carefully, he stripped out of his clothes and stepped into the shower. The warm water burned his already tender and painful skin.

He poured a good amount of soap on a washcloth and rubbed the remaining pepper spray off of his face. He was finally able to open his eyes, although painfully, and stood under the running water for a minute trying to collect his thoughts.

He felt guilty for the way he spoke to Felix. He knew it wasn't intentional and that nobody could have predicted it, but Felix didn't listen to him. He was just in pain and upset. He never wanted Felix to cry.

Hyunjin turned off the water and stepped out of the bathroom, drying himself off before realizing he didn't have clothes to change into. He wrapped the towel around his waist and opened the bathroom door.

When he stepped out, Felix was sitting on the couch hugging his knees and crying. He wasn't even wearing a shirt.

"Felix..." Hyunjin called out softly and gently.

"I'm sorry.. it was all my fault. I'm so selfish and I should have listened to you.. and now you're hurt." The younger sobbed. He didn't make any movements.

"You're not selfish... Felix, look at me."

Felix still didn't make any movements so Hyunjin walked over to the couch and was going to kneel down in front of him before realizing that he was still in a towel.

The younger kept his gaze down on the floor, not even processing what was happening because he was so lost in his own thoughts.

Hyunjin quickly walked to the dresser and grabbed some clothes before going to the bathroom to put them on.

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