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Minho looked up at Felix and smiled. He let go of Jisung and walked over to his younger brother, wrapping him into a hug.

"Hey Lixie.. how are you?"

"Better now that you guys are finally together. Took you long enough dumbass." Felix giggled back.

"Do I need to go and beat him up? Because you know I-"

"No. He didn't do anything wrong. It had been over for a while." Felix interrupted with a shrug. "For today, I've cried it out and I'm just ready to watch some movies and dissociate with hot chocolate and my big brother? Can you stay or do you have to go?" The younger looked at him with big doe eyes still watery from his tears throughout the day.

Minho melted and his expression softened into a small smile. "I can stay. Just tell me we are not watching some sappy romcom.." the older whined.

Felix and Jisung both scoffed dramatically. "Please. I'm trying to feel better about my life not worse." The youngest cringed. "No, we are watching fucking Deadpool." Jisung patted Minho on the chest and kissed him on the cheek.

Felix let out a little happy squeal and clapped his hands in tiny at the cute gesture. He walked to the bedroom and came out with pillows and blankets, knowing exactly where the were from the amount of times he had slept over at Jisung's.

He passed Minho 2 pillows and a blanket while he was wrapped in another one.

"Why do you get your own blanket?" Minho whined.

"Because I'm not about to share one with you both now that you are kissing and shit. I would like to avoid any more trauma today." His younger brother responded with a disgusted face.

Jisung laughed from the kitchen as he put milk to boil in a pot. Shortly after, he came to the living room carrying 2 mugs and giving them to Minho and Felix before walking back to grab the last mug and a big bowl of popcorn.

"Extra butter?" Felix asked with a smile.

"Of course. We are going all out." He beamed with a bigger smile.

Jisung dropped down on the couch and snuggled into Minho, who hesitantly placed his arm around him.

Jisung looked at him with a raised brow. "Why are you being so awkward?"

Minho scoffed nervously. "Am not..."

Felix and Jisung both looked at him and snickered.

"Ugh. I'm trying not to fuck it up ok!" The oldest whined.

Jisung smirked and leaned into his ear, placing one hand on the older's chest while the other wrapped around his thigh. "Relax. I fell for you when you were an asshole."

Minho blushed and cleared his throat.

Felix made a gagging gesture next to them and grabbed the remote. "Ok! That's my cue to start the movie."


Hyunjin eagerly made his way to the door when he heard a knock on it.

"Delivery for... Hwang?" A sweaty man in uniform greeted him.

Hyunjins face lit up in a bright smile when he saw the big box behind the man. He eagerly nodded his head and accepted the pen and clipboard.

He signed for the delivery and the man waved him goodbye.

"Finally!" Hyunjin praised out as he inspected the box for any damage. Thankfully, it seemed to be fully unharmed and he was able to push it inside the apartment.

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