Maybe Not

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Hyunjin wiped the flour off of his face and smirked mischievously, snaking his arm around Felix's waist and pulling him so close that their bodies were flesh together and faces were just centimeters away.

Felix gulped and looked Hyunjin straight in the eyes, feeling a blush creep on his face as his heartbeat quickened.

The older returned the challenging gaze, almost daring Felix to make a move. Without the younger noticing, he swiped his free hand through the flour and cupped Felix's face with it, leaving a large streak of flour over his cheek and ear, some of it getting into his hair.

Felix was so lost in the physical closeness, that he didn't even react and just let his eyes flicker between Hyunjin's dark brown, almost black ones, that somehow had a soft tenderness anytime he looked at them.

The artist gently caressed the younger's cheek, both getting rid of the flour and simply admiring the softness and little brown flecks. "You should go take a shower..." He stated softly, not stopping his movements or breaking eye contact as he cleaned the flour out of Felix's hair.

"I didn't bring clothes.." Felix responded just as softly. He maintained the same level of focus on the artists eyes.

With a last stroke to Felix's cheek, Hyunjin released his hold and stepped away toward his dresser. He pulled out a shirt and some shorts, passing them gently to the younger, who was still standing in the same spot and accepted them with a grateful but longing look.

"You can use whatever you want in there. There are towels in the cabinet." Hyunjin offered. "Do you need me to show you how the water works?"

Felix felt his heart flutter at the offer, cursing himself internally for being so affected by the smallest of things. "N-no.. I can figure it out.." He stuttered out nervously, immediately following with a huff at the complete and utter loss of composure.

Hyunjin bit back a smirk at the flustered nature of his Angel in front of him and nodded. "Alright, call if you need me." With the words he purposefully let his his smirk show.

Felix rolled his eyes playfully and poked him in the chest. "And give you all of that satisfaction? Pfft." He teased before walking past the artist with an exaggerated swing to his hips.

Hyunjin watched the dramatic show with an amused chuckle until the door to the bathroom closed. He walked over to his bed and laid back on it with a huff, dangling his legs over the edge.

"Fuck..." He mumbled out, both at the tension that had been building to an extreme level since they got back, as well as the realization that he would never be able to look at his bed again without being haunted by the memory of Felix's lips against his skin and the way his fingers sent goosebumps down his spine with the feather light touches.

He ran his hands through his hair with a groan and shot himself up, needing to get away from the mental pictures before his blood traveled down south and caused more problems in restraining himself.

He decided to clean up the mess in the kitchen as a distraction, putting on some music to play softly in the background. He started to dance along in tiny as he prepared the kitchen for the actual pizza making.

Hyunjin was so preoccupied with his cleaning and dancing that he didn't notice the sound of the running water stop.

Felix stepped out of the shower smelling like roses. It was a scent he never imagined himself using, but there was a feeling of pride in it somehow, almost like it was a symbol that he had entered a more open period in his life. He picked up the shirt that Hyunjin gave him. It was a soft material, and when he pulled it over his head, it hung loosely around his neck and almost reached down to his mid thigh.

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