Stay The Night

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Wooyoung smashed the shot glass onto the bar counter with an exaggerated 'ah'. "Get me another!" He slurred out at the bartender.

Hyunjin shook his head no at the bartender and waved his hand in front of his neck. The bartender gave him a nod with a smile.

"Woo, come on, I think we should get going." Hyunjin patted his back as Wooyoung dropped his head on his hand and looked at him with a tired expression.

"Nooooo... I wanna drink some more!" The older pouted. His words were barely understandable with the amount of slur in which they came out.

"Nope. Come on, any more alcohol and you'll be dead tomorrow." Hyunjin pulled Wooyoung's arms over his shoulder and supported his weight while the older stumbled out of the chair, too tired to attempt resisting.

Having long since sobered up, Hyunjin paid their tab and dragged the stumbling Wooyoung back to the car, buckeling him into the passenger's seat before slipping into the driver's side and exhaling deeply.

"Man this was a lot easier when you were 8 years younger... and like 50 pounds lighter." The younger huffed as he put the key in the ignition.

Wooyoung gasped next to him and uncoordinatedly placed his fingers on Hyunjin's lips. "Am not... you take that back"

The younger smacked his fingers away and scrunched his face in disgust. "Ew, I don't know where those nasty fingers have been."

The drunk one laughed loudly in response and leaned his whole body against the door. "You don't want to know." He wiggled his eyebrows and broke out in a loud cackle.

"I am way too sober for this shit." Hyunjin mumbled. He looked around and sighed. "Woo, where the fuck do you live anyway?"

When there was no response, he looked over to find his best friend passed out, his cheek pressed against the window and his breath causing it to fog up slightly with every exhale.

Hyunjin shook his shoulder roughly but Wooyoung just groaned and stirred a bit in response.

"Shit.. I am way too fucking sober for this."

Hyunjin turned the key to start the car and let out a sigh of relief as it automatically paired with Wooyoung's phone. He opened up the maps app on the car screen and was relieved to see an address labeled as 'home'.

About 15 minutes later he made it to a large apartment building.

"Shit." He rested his head against the seat and side-eyed the still passed out Wooyoung.

Hyunjin shoved him forcefully but Wooyoung just leaned forward and continued snoring.

The now unfortunately sober Hyunjin did the next thing that popped in his head, he pressed the redial button on the car to hopefully reach someone that knew the apartment number. Felix, probably, then he would have help getting Wooyoung inside as well.

After a couple rings the phone was picked up and a husky voice answered it.

"Woo?" The voice asked.

"Uhm.. no... is this Felix?" Hyunjin asked hopefully.

"No. Who is this?"

"Damn it.." Hyunjin sighed. "I'm one of Woo's friends and just moved back here. He got drunk off his ass and I was able to make it to his apartment building but don't know the number and Woo is out cold. Please tell me you know the number." Hyunjin pleaded.

There was a laugh from the other end of the line. "Uhm, let me check." The faint sound of shuffling came from the background. "Yeah. Uhm it's 143B. Goodluck with moving him. He's dead weight when drunk."

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