Forgive Me

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"Wha-" Felix started before the call went dead.

"Was that lover boy?" Jisung walked up to the younger twin, twirling his keys in his hand. "I go to pee for five minutes and you guys are already flirting up a st-" he teased until he realized that Felix was still facing away from him, unmoving.

Jisung's expression immediately fell from a happy one to one of concern. "Lix... baby?" He reached out and put his hand on the younger's shoulder.

Felix looked over his shoulder as if he was surprised someone was there.

"What happened?" The older twin asked in concern.

"I don't know... Hyunjin just went quiet and said he had to go before hanging up on me... what if I said something wrong..?" Felix asked insecurely.

Jisung's eyes softened. "Aww baby..." He cooed. "I'm sure there's an explanation for that." He smiled reassuringly. "How many times have I suddenly hung up on you because I either dropped my phone or had to take a shit." He chuckled in attempt to lighten the mood.

"I think he has better control of himself than that." Felix chuckled back.

"You never know. If he ended up getting sick that could change real quick..." Jisung retorted before smirking mischievously. "Remember that time you insisted on taking the final despite having a fever? You bolted out of that classroom and expl-"

"Sung! You promised you would take that with you to the grave!" Felix whined. "I had no choice! Mr. Choi hated my guts and would have failed me." He grumbled with a toddler level pout.

"Pfft. He hated everyone, even himself." The older sassed. "Anyway... my point is.. stop freaking out before you know what's going on. Just give him a minute in case he is currently blowing up a toilet."

Felix gave him an unimpressed look that turned into a cringed face. "Thanks for bringing back the memory of that nightmare AND giving me that picture.." He grumbled sarcastically.

Jisung gave him the most sickenly sweet smile. "You're welcome!" He sang before skipping away to meet the delivery people at the front of the building.

It was time for their monthly inventory and supply delivery. It was the one time a month where Felix refused to take Monday off, despite Jisung's objections. Eventually, the older just accepted the company and thanked his twin endlessly for not sticking him with the grand task on his own.

This supply run was also extra special. The center is turning one year old a couple of weeks after new years so this will be their first Christmas. The amount of donations they were able to gather, was astronomical and they even managed to partner with local charities to become a distribution and event center for various Christmas projects.

As cool as all of it would be, there was a TON of work to do to get things ready.

"Lix!" Jisung snapped him out of his daydream and internal monologue. "Check this out!" He beamed.

Felix walked over to the sliding doors and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the truck in the parking lot absolutely filled with presents and decorations.

"Good thing you moved your stuff out..." Jisung chuckled in disbelief, unsure if he should be elated or scared. Honestly, he felt a mix of both.

"Mr... Han?" The delivery driver walked up to the two gawking boys.

"That's me." Jisung announced, reaching for the clipboard of papers he was handed.

"Just sign here..... here..... and here." The driver instructed, flipping through the pages to point at the highlighted sections. "Uhhh... where do you want this stuff?" He looked around.

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