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*the night Felix left with Jisung*

Wooyoung stumbled inside and threw his keys on the counter, dropping face first into the couch as the room was spinning. Without lifting his head up, he reached into his pocket and took out the phone that was flashing a low battery warning.

"Wooyoung?" A soft voice responded after the call went through.

"Hey little Choi-" He hiccuped "guess what?" The words were slurred and barely comprehensible.

San sighed on the other end. "You're drunk."

Wooyoung laughed loudly "Well yeah! That's an obvious one, but wrong answer.." He sang with a sarcastic cheer.

"What?" San questioned in a neutral tone.

"I'm a free man!" Wooyoung sang, still just as slurred as before. "What do you say you come over and we celebrate!"

"Shit... Woo, I'm so sorry..." San sighed in a soft voice.

"I'm not.. I can finally breathe without feeling guilty!" The younger sighed deeply. "We are bo..th..better....off.." his voice trailed off until all San could hear over the phone was the sound of snoring, at which he hung up the phone.

Wooyoung woke up the next morning to a massive hangover and the piercing sound of his alarm. Everything was a blur, well, everything except for the nausea that hit him as soon as he moved a muscle.

There was only one thing he could think of that could take away the discomfort in his entire body... the baggie of green grass he had staring him down on the coffee table. He grabbed the lighter and lit one, taking a deep drag of it as he laid down on his back. Once the relief kicked in, he stood up and walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water, chugging it down as best he could with his still sensitive stomach.

The rest of the day was on autopilot. All he felt was the need to forget as soon as the weed or alcohol wore off.

Anytime he was at work, he would avoid the hallway he knew San would be on. No matter how much his body tried to drag him there, he couldn't do it. San Just reminded him of what he did. San brought him comfort that he didn't deserve.

At home, he would pop open a bottle of wine, or whatever was available, and eat his takeout. Drinking until he passed out just to repeat again.

When Wednesday rolled around, it started like the other days had. He woke up, smoked weed until he was numb again, went through the day on autopilot, avoided San... or at least he thought until he absentmindedly walked down the hallway just to be hit by the bathroom door as it opened from the inside.

"Hey! Watc-" he spat angrily until his brain caught onto what his senses were already telling him by the smell of citrus and the large build that was standing over him.

"Woo..." San's eyes softened and he reached his hand out to help Wooyoung up.

The younger just glared up at him, anger boiling inside of him at having to face the living, breathing reminder of everything he had been pushing down. There was no numbing it. He didn't have his alcohol and he wouldn't meet with his dealer until after work. He scooted his body backwards and swatted the hand away.

"Fuck off, San!" He spat as he tried to stand up, only to stumble as he got to his feet and fall into the arms of the person he was trying to escape.

"Woo.. goddammit!" San helped him regain his balance but Wooyoung just fought him off.

"San! I don't want to fucking see you!" The younger yelled at him as the older finally let go. "It's all your fault!"

San looked at him with a shocked expression. "Me?!"

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