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When the two got to the bike, Felix beamed a bright smile and hopped on, not even waiting for Hyunjin this time.

The older chuckled, amused at the excitement. "The helmet?" He asked expectantly.

Felix pouted slightly with furrowed brows. "But, you still need one.."

"Having you with me is reason enough to drive as safely as ever, Lix. I'm not taking any chances with you." Hyunjin responded sternly, placing the helmet on the younger's head.

Felix wasted no time in snaking his arms back around Hyunjin. Rather than holding on by a thread, it felt more like a hug, something Felix was not about to complain about.

Just as carefully as the first ride, Hyunjin made their way to the art gallery. It was located in the city center. Thankfully, because they had a motorcycle, finding parking was easy.

Felix gulped when he saw the clean white building with large windows. It looked fancy and he definitely didn't feel like he belonged. Instinctively, he started to pull on the sleeves of his blazer, focusing on every particle that may have landed on his shirt.

Hyunjin grabbed Felix's hand and squeezed it. The small action was enough to ground the younger from his panic.

Felix looked at Hyunjin, who gave him a confident and soft look. A look that was enough to give him the sense to take a deep breath and trust.

"Don't be nervous, Angel. Just look at me if you need to." The older used Felix's own words against him with a smirk.

The obvious payback made the younger giggle softly with an eye roll. "That won't help." Felix teased back.

Hyunjin looked at him in surprise. "You heard that?" He raised a brow. "Why didn't you say anything?!" Now he was blushing.

Felix looked at him sweetly. "When you say it soft like that, I assume you don't want me to hear it." He shrugged. "I don't want to call you out on it." A slight smirk appeared.

"Wait.. was that the only time..?" The artist squinted his eyes suspiciously.

The smirk on Felix's face widened slightly and he simply squeezed Hyunjin's hand. "Come on. We don't want to be late."

Instead of letting go of the older's hand, Felix pulled on it gently to get him to follow inside.

Stepping through the doors, the gallery was as fancy as Felix worried. The walls were clean and solid white. There were a couple of artistic avant gard benches scattered around for visitors to rest on.

"Let's look around for a bit before we meet with the owner, see what her style is." Hyunjin suggested. He led Felix gently to one of the paintings near the back of the gallery.

Felix studied it with his head tilted to the side. Unlike Hyunjin's paintings, he wasn't understanding the point of the brown toned painting with different colored waves on it.

Hyunjin bit back a snicker at the unimpressed look on the younger's face. "What are your thoughts?" He questioned curiously.

Felix scrunched his brows and looked the painting over one last time, still unimpressed. "Uh.. honestly..?" He looked over at the artist who laughed softly. "Of course honestly."

"I don't get it.. not to be offensive or anything.. and I'm not an artist, I don't know anything about art... but I feel like I could have painted this."

"Ouch.." Hyunjin chuckled. "Why do you say that?"

Felix sighed with a pout. "I don't want to be rude... honestly... it's just so.." He tilted his head to the other side in attempt to see something different, something he may have missed. "Simple? Maybe I just don't get it." He huffed in frustration.

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