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Felix giggled and got as comfortable as he could. "I'm not going to spill Hyunjin's business, but... the things he wants to do to me can't be rushed..."

Jisung stopped what he was doing and raised his brows in surprised amusement. "And did he tell you the things he wants to do...?" He mused with a giant smirk on his face.

Felix covered his blush behind his hands and nodded his head. "He did.." He squealed shyly.

Jisung nodded his head in impressed approval. "So did he tell you when the right time would be? Or why yesterday wasn't?" He followed up as calmly as he could, trying to keep the shipper in him at bay.

"He didn't give a time frame, no. But yesterday we were making out and it got a little heated. I offered to help him out but he didn't want me to. He said he wanted to do it right." Felix responded with dissapointment in his voice but a soft smile on his face. Sure he may have wanted to, but what Hyunjin did was romantic. If he was being honest, he also didn't really want their first time doing anything to be when he feels like crap.

Jisung sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Why does he have to be such a fucking romantic gentleman?" He groaned. "Did you want to?"

Felix smirked and looked up at his twin with a blush. "He's big..."

Jisung chuckled in amusement. "That he is." He mumbled to himself, squealing when Felix splashed water on him.

"I heard that!" Felix hissed with a glare.

"What?! Sorry, but you said it!" Jisung laughed defensively.

"I would like to forget the piece of information that you guys did... what you did.. please and thank you." The younger grumbled.

Jisung sighed. "Okay.. okay. I'm sorry." He pouted genuinely. "I've just been waiting for you to find out for yourself." He smiled mischievously. "But I promise, I'll act like I'm none the wiser." He motioned for his mouth to be zipped and pretended to throw away the key.

Felix giggled at the theatrics and sighed. "He's tempting... of course I wanted to..." He admitted with a soft bite to his lower lip. "But I'm glad we didn't... I still felt gross." He cringed his face.

"So who broke?" Jisung asked with genuine curiosity and a mischievous smile.

Felix smiled softly. "Technically, he kissed me first." He mumbled slyly.

"So you're telling me he kissed you without permission?" Jisung asked with a disbelieving brow raise.

"Alright... so maybe I asked him to..." the younger twin admitted disgruntledly with a glare.

Jisung chuckled and shook his head in amusement. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist." He teased.

"Hey! I was the one that was staying strong!" Felix defended with a pout. "I would have succeeded if he didn't go being all charming looking at me the way he does."

Jisung gasped dramatically. "He looked at you?!" He mocked sarcastically as he wrapped Felix's hair up in a towel. "How dare he..."

Felix pursed his lips into a frown. "You're no help..." He pouted.

"Aww come on Lixie!" The older cooed. "I'm just messing with you.. it's not a bad thing to be attracted to the person you like." He reassured. "Especially not when that person likes you back, and you know he does." He sang with a playful nudge.

"He said he was falling for me..." Felix admitted with a smile, the blush returning to his face.

"Fucking finally!" Jisung squealed. "It took him forever." He whined playfully. "My ship is sailing... ugh, I'm so proud!"

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