Untitled Part 43

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green Leader: It's alright, we have salt packets.

green Leader: Not the ones that snap in half, but sure.


Void: Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff.



Nightmare: What's your favorite high school memory?



Pheonix/Reaper: No, I don't want to talk about physics! I don't know anything about the laws of physics because they are hard and boring. I simply would like them to behave in a way that is most convenient to ME and MY LIFE! Is that really asking too much?

Prof.Red: Yes, as a matter of fact, it is!

Pheonix/Reaper: Well, guess what? Science is stupid bullshit!!

Prof.Red: You take that back!!!

Pheonix/Reaper: No. Magic is awesome. Science blows. The end.


Blue Leader: Are you packed for the trip?

Night: Yup.

Blue Leader: Then where are your bags?

Night: All I'm bringing is a good attitude and a sense of adventure.

Blue Leader: A change of underwear might be nice.


RQ Dark Steve: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Sabre's birthday invitations.

?n? S???e: Well, what are they supposed to say?

RQ Dark Steve: "Sabre's birthday".

?n? S???e: So, what do they say instead?

RQ Dark Steve: "Sabre's bi".

?n? S???e:

?n? S???e: Works out either way.


Evan: Knock, knock.

Light: Who's there?

Evan: Boo!

Light: Boo who?

Evan: Why are you crying?

Light: I'm not crying.

Evan: Hello notcrying, I'm Evan.

FavreMySabre Incorrect Quotes (SS/SSO/RQ/SL)Where stories live. Discover now