91 | Fight For Me

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"We need to go after him." I tell Theodore as we arrived back to the Malfoy Manor.

"No, we need to get back to Hogwarts. You heard what Grindelwald said, there's going to be a war and we need to be there." He tells me, as we get ready to head back.

"He could get hurt Theodore."

"That's his problem, Evelyn. I'm not going after him. He deserves what he gets." He responds sharply with no hesitation in his voice.

"I get he hasn't been the best person lately but he's still worth it, and I still love him. I'm not going to let him get hurt." I refuse.

He grabs both of my shoulders, "He fucking broke up with you because he couldn't even love himself, he told you that. How do you still love him?"

"How do you know that?" I asked, I've never told him that, he knew we broke up but not the exact reason.

He looked dumbfounded, slowly letting go of my shoulders.

"Theodore how do you know what he said to me?" I ask once more.

"Nothing, forget it." He answers turning away from me. "No! You can't just say that. Did you do something?"

"No." He says, looking at the ground.

"You're lying. What the hell did you do Theodore?"

"I forced him to break up with you. And don't tell me I'm shitty for doing it, he agreed he had to take his Father out of the picture before being with you." He explained, my jaw had dropped, as did all my friends.

"How could you do that to me? You forced him to break up with me?!" I pushed him back, "It broke my heart Theodore."

"It had to be fucking done! He's too weak when he's with you, he doesn't think, and for him to take down his Father he has to be his worst, and he's not that when he's with you, you make him a better person Evelyn." He scolds, and I find it pathetic.

"So you force him to break up with me because I make him a better person? What kind of excuse is that?" I yelled at him.

I continue to yell, "You can't control my life Theodore. You sound exactly like Mattheo's Father! Love isn't weak and he doesn't have to be worst to take him down."

He smashes the glass bottle he was drinking out of to the ground in front of me, "I saw you fucking die! And all you're worried about is the prick who hurts you!"

"Theodore!" Maggie yelled at him, catching his attention.

"No I'm not doing this, find your fucking priorities, all of you." He scoffed, turning his back on all of us and walking outside, slamming the door behind him.

"I'm so sorry, he's been drinking a lot recently, it's why he's acting out so much." Maggie tried to comfort me, and there was the root of everyone's issues, drinking.

"He's a hypocrite." Is all I responded with.

"We're here for you love." She smiles softly, attempting to make me feel better.

"I'm going to go after Mattheo, with or without you guys." I told them, clutching my things in my hands.

"Then so are we, we are a team, family even. Let's do this, Riddle may not be my favorite person but he's been helpful I can say." Hermione spoke, earning a smile from me.

"Yeah we're in." Draco shrugs, I'm not sure he cared either way.

"Draco Malfoy going against what his Father says? Naughty." Hermione teased.

"Shut up Granger, I'm surprised your goody-two-shoes can handle all this." He argued back, those two are something I swear.

"You shut up, you're like a chihuahua who never stops barking, annoying as well and always gives headaches." She responds I couldn't help to laugh at that one.

"And you're like an annoying crow who never stops squawking!" They keep arguing back and forth.

"I'm surprised all your hair hasn't fallen off from all the bleach you put in it." She scoffed.

He gasped, "Excuse you? My hair is natural! Fuck off Granger!"

"Can you both shut up and kiss already?" Maggie chimed in, they both went quiet after that.

"Alright we're losing time, let's go."


I walked into a dark abandoned building with no hesitation, I had a feeling this is where Mattheo would look, I told everyone to wait outside for me.

"Mattheo?" I call out, looking around, using the Lumos spell to create light.

"No. You can't be here, leave." His voice startles me making me jump.

"Mattheo." I say in relief that he was okay.

"No. My Father was here, I'm close to finding him, you shouldn't be here you need to go."

"I know Theodore forced you to leave me." I told him and he looks surprised.

"Leave Evelyn." Is all he replied.

"And I know that you still love me. You don't have to do everything on your own." I reach out for him but he refuses.

"If you don't leave, I'll make you. It isn't safe here for you." He pushed me back, but I wasn't going to budge.

"I'm not leaving without you. I love you Mattheo, I never stopped. Please we can do this together, you and I."

"I can't." He whispered.

"If you love me like you claim, like I think you love me, then come with me please. I'm with you, I'm here for you, just let me be there." I come closer reaching out with both of my hands meeting his face.

"Evelyn I—"

I don't let him finish, I let my lips fall onto his, and I can tell he's fighting so hard to not kiss me back, but to my surprise he gives in.

My hands move to the side of his neck, slowly pulling away, "Just let me be there."

I let out a gasp as I feel his hand tangle in the back of my hair, pulling me as close as possible to him while he reconnected our lips.

He whispers throughout the kiss, "I fucking love you so much Evelyn."

Tears started to swell up in my eyes from happiness, I knew he loved me all I had to do was break through to him.

"Come with me, we can do this together." I told him, my voice was soft as our foreheads were against each other.

"I'm with you."


Hope you guys enjoyed!

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