1.13 - Countdown

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  Qi Yu looked at Fred with flickering eyes.

  Fred explained nonchalantly, "You decided to come along at the last minute, and there was no extra room prepared."

  Upon hearing this, Qi Yu lowered his head with a self-deprecating smile.

  Yeah, what is he asking for?

  Being able to stay by the man's side was already a great gift from Fred. Qi Yu had seen the helpless look in the man's eyes and knew that he was not likable at all when he was sensitive, but ever since he had experienced that horrible night, his emotions were often on the verge of losing control.

  He knew clearly that Fred hated their family, but he pretended to be ignorant. He took advantage of the man's guilt and coveted the man's kindness, making the man work hard between home and the military, causing trouble for the person he loved most.

  He is really terrible...Qi Yu hates himself like this.

  But he had no way out.

  When Fred wasn't around, he couldn't concentrate at all, couldn't even do the simplest daily activities, and it made him feel like a waste.

  Finally, he waited for such an opportunity.

  Not only can he provide his value and give the man the necessary help, but he can also stay by Fred's side as a matter of course. What else could he be dissatisfied with?

  That was it. He would let him be willful for the last time. When they completely defeated the enemy and returned victorious, he would return the freedom to the man he loved deeply...

  Fred still had to continue organizing the battle, so Qi Yu had to go back alone with the information he brought.

  Under the guidance of Fred's subordinates, Qi Yu shuttled through the intricate space battleships. Whenever he met neatly lined soldiers, they would salute him solemnly.

  The metal-built interior was much larger than he had imagined. Outside the observation windows that he passed by from time to time, he could see the boundless and dazzling sea of ​​stars. However, he was in no mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery, as the enemy spacecraft carrying a terrifying threat was rapidly approaching his home.

  After walking for a few minutes, Qi Yu finally arrived at Fred's room. At the same time, Jaden brought the relevant information sent back from the exploration ship.

  After he entered the room, he looked around. The interior layout was exactly the same as the bedroom in Fred's mansion. In the minimalist style of pure white and metal splicing, nothing was redundant and there was no surveillance equipment in the room.

  After locking the door, Qi Yu leaned leisurely against the head of Fred's bed, opened the document, and scanned the rows of abstract theories and complicated data from top to bottom.

  Seeing that the senior had temporarily left his role, 996 asked tentatively, "Senior, what are your plans next?"

  The amazing senior really made the plot develop perfectly back to the main line and even accurately predicted the subsequent plot.

  This operation is simply amazing!

  After Qi Yu finished reading Joshua's research results, he closed his eyes and waited for the main system to provide technical support. When professional skills are needed during the role-playing process, in order to maintain the basic personality, the main system will provide such services free of charge.

  While waiting for the data to be analyzed, he thought about the question raised by 996: "In fact, the next task is very simple, just follow the flow."

  "Go with the flow?" 996 repeated cautiously.

  "Well, in the next few hours, I need to properly demonstrate my own value, seize the right time to end the mission, and make a good effort to complete the plot. In order to advance the victory of this war, some people must be sacrificed, and obviously that person must be me."

  996 didn't understand this logic: "What would it take for the senior to sacrifice himself?" The senior is not a frontline soldier, and is regarded by Fred as a mentally unstable patient, so he would not be exposed to danger at all.

  Qi Yu seemed to have heard an obvious question, and he chuckled as he explained, "Of course it's because I was the cause of this battle. Don't forget, Kyle is still monitoring my every move. Just because he didn't snatch me away last time doesn't mean he will give up easily.

  He knew how Frederick would treat me in private, which would strengthen his sense of mission to take me away. After all, men always like to be heroes in front of the people they care about. And he chose to use this method of detonating the spacecraft, isn't it also trying to get me a chance to appear?"

  Kyle is actually a very loyal person, but he is used to plundering everything with violence, and ultimately failed to choose the right method.

  996 couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this. It seemed that he still didn't quite understand human emotions.

  The system just responded with the data analysis results at this moment. Qi Yu read it carefully several times and got up to go out. Solving the problem one minute earlier can ensure more safety for everyone.

  When Qi Yu found Fred, the man's serious and handsome profile was made more three-dimensional by the light from the screen. His neat and dashing military uniform highlighted his tall and strong figure. He had an extraordinary temperament and was handsome and tall. One would be deeply attracted to him at first sight.

  Standing next to Fred were three older generals, whose star-studded shoulder straps indicated their ranks as generals.

  The light screen suspended in the air on the middle table was marked with intersecting routes and cosmic coordinates. In the center of the screen was the battleship they were on at the moment, and a flashing cursor was approaching not far away, its arc pointing directly to the Imperial Star.

  In the lower corner of the screen, there is a red countdown, and the rapidly changing millisecond numbers are like the urging of death.

  Qi Yu glanced at the estimated time for the spacecraft to arrive at the Imperial Star, which was probably less than six hours.

  No one noticed Qi Yu's arrival. Fred calmly analyzed the military situation: "We need to release bait to the incoming spacecraft as soon as possible, making it think that it has exploded. We need to continuously output interference to complete the docking and control the spacecraft to stop flying."

  "This is too dangerous." The lieutenant general named Andre interrupted, "Even if we can stop the flight, the prerequisite is to choose the right bait. No one can guarantee which approach is safe and effective. Trying to change the flight path of the spacecraft is the safest way at the moment."

  Even though Fred was an admiral of the Empire, in the eyes of the old vice admiral, his decision was still too young. Once the explosion was passively triggered, everyone on the battleship would be instantly vaporized in the fierce heat wave.

  The discussion fell into silence, as no one wanted to let the brave warriors of the empire die in vain.

  Qi Yu suddenly spoke up at this moment: "I have a way."

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