Rebirth: 13

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  The truck quickly lost its balance and tilted to its side, and the heavily overloaded part of the truck's cargo moved across in front of them due to its huge inertia.

  Qi Yu opened his eyes wide and watched the huge monster loaded with sand and gravel coming towards him. The scene seemed to be slowed down frame by frame, reflected in his shrinking pupils.

  Even if the man reacted quickly to avoid a collision with the vehicles, the hundreds of tons of gravel mixed with fine sand that poured out could easily bury the two people in the two-seater convertible alive and suffocate them to death.

  Witnessing the shock of approaching death,

  This made Qi Yu understand the man's previous state of mind more deeply.

  In his previous life, Jiang Yuhuai also encountered a truck that was heading towards him. He turned the steering wheel in a panic and fell halfway down the mountain, almost killing himself.

  From then on, the man began to seek revenge and unify the country...

  The world has changed dramatically.

  The destined disaster will repeat itself in unexpected ways.

  Is it a coincidence?

  Or a conspiracy?

  Qi Yu had only one thought in his mind at this moment, which was to protect the man at all costs.

  However, in the blink of an eye, he had no time to react and could not spare the time to call 996. The sudden drop in speed of the car made him lean forward unconsciously.

  Jiang Yuhuai calmly turned the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator, and the rear wheels drifted in the air while the roof was quickly retracted. The gun-gray frosted sports car drew a handsome arc on the road, and then gravel fell on the roof, making a dull sound.

  Between the wind and thunder,

  The two cars were traveling at high speed and were about to collide with each other half a meter away, but they distanced themselves from each other again.

  The sports car turned around and drove back the way they came. Through the rearview mirror, Qi Yu saw the overturned truck with gravel and sand scattered all over the ground.


  This operation...

  Qi Yu stared at the man in a daze.

  Jiang Yuhuai quickly looked back for a moment and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, everything is fine now."

  Qi Yu trusted the other party and did not think about it any more. He was more concerned about something at the moment, so he asked in his mind: "996, was the car accident just now caused by the eldest brother of the Qin family?"

  Since it was related to the main storyline, 996 quickly collected relevant information and gave a positive answer.

  "Qin Jiang has been frequently called in for questioning by the Narcotics Squad recently, and he is in a very bad mood. Due to the arrest of Duan Yurong a while ago, he seems to have determined that Jiang Yuhuai was behind this. He asked an airline manager about your flight route this week, and he became very angry.

  A few days ago, your elder brother followed you and controlled your movements. He was actually cooperating with your secret protection. Today, Jiang Yuhuai stepped on the accelerator and threw everyone away, which just gave the other party an opportunity to take advantage of. "

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