3.6 - Sleeping

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  After sending the emperor back to his bedroom, Qi Yunhong finally relaxed a little.

  The emperor obviously intended to conceal the fact that he was drugged, so as to prevent the news from leaking out. He specially sent a young eunuch to boil some hangover-relieving medicine, and asked the other guards to go to the palace not far from the palace to find the sachet that did not exist, leaving only himself to guard outside the door...

  But I didn't expect that an even more unexpected accident would happen.

  After Huai Hao left the palace, Qi Yu had been thinking about what to do. The fact that the emperor kept him in the palace today instead of directly dismissing him from his position as a tutor meant that he might still be of some use in his eyes.

  In this case, he should take on more responsibilities and take the initiative to fulfill his duties as a minister. So he walked into Huai Hao's study, dismissed the eunuch who was in charge of handling memorials, and bent over the desk to carefully read every word and classify each document until late at night.

  Suddenly, the door flew open, and the cold winter wind rushed into the hall, extinguishing the candle on the desk.

  The sound of a man panting was unusually clear in the quiet room, but the dim moonlight could not illuminate the person clearly.

  Qi Yu walked out of the study in the dark with a nervous mood. At this time, a tall figure stood in front of the hall door, hunched over as if seriously injured and in great pain. He could not care about his own safety for a moment, lowered his voice, and asked worriedly.

  "Who's there? Are you hurt?"

  Guard? Assassin?

  Why did he break into the emperor's bedroom late at night?

  Qi Yu did not receive any response. He heard the breath becoming increasingly turbid and heavy. He was worried that someone might die if he continued to fight, so he approached the other party step by step, and tried to comfort him in a soft voice.

  "Don't be afraid. I'm the only one here. No one will find you. Are you... a guard from which palace?" Qi Yu waited for a while, still silent. "Perhaps, I can help you."

  As soon as he finished speaking, the man took a difficult step...

  After making it all the way back to the palace, Huai Hao had used up all of his willpower to suppress the anger running rampant in his lower abdomen.

  Just when the beast imprisoned in the heart was finally about to explode uncontrollably, a delicious and tempting prey happened to jump out in front of him. Her skin was as delicate as solidified fat, her mouth was as red as red, her clear eyes contained a pool of spring water, and her slender waist looked soft and boneless, tender and delicious.

  Huai Hao's originally lifeless eyes became fierce and dangerous, and his instinctive voice kept calling out to him, trying to find an outlet to vent his anger.

  As the distance between the two people got closer, Qi Yu recognized the other person's identity.

  It turned out to be His Majesty!


  Just as he was about to salute, he suddenly fell into a strong embrace. The unbearable strength of the arms continued to tighten him, squeezing the air out of his chest.

  The intense feeling of suffocation made Qi Yu raise his head and take deep breaths. Unexpectedly, before the air could rush into his chest, it was suddenly blocked tightly by a hot and soft lip.

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