4 - Watery

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"Nee-chan's Alice will protect her"

Mikan says calmly, not even having a trace of worries plastered on her face. What is that supposed to mean?

"Mikan, do you by any chance, knows Mia's Alice?" Hotaru asks. She can't believe her own eyes. How can Mikan said those words like it was nothing? Mia is her precious sister and the only blood-related family she has besides their Ojii-chan.

"Actually, I also just remembered about it a while ago" Mikan says. She looks at her classmates, each of them has different expressions on their faces. Mikan herself, still cannot get over about what she just had discovered.

So, that thing was really an Alice?

"How about all of us go to search for Mia-san? I'm worried about her safety. It's okay if Narumi-sensei found out, we have to make sure she is safe first!" Iinchou says. "That's right! There's no use in standing here doing nothing! Let's go find Mia-chan!" Nonoko exclaims.

All of them agreed and head to Northern woods. They make sure that nobody notices and sneak out from the dormitory.

Mia's POV

"AHHH!!!!!" I scream in pain when the snake attacked me with its painful poison.

Just a minute ago, I found a house and was wondering who the owner is when there were weird sounds coming from the back of the house. There is where I found a bear, more like a standing Teddy bear was struggling to free itself from the big snake.

And here is the bear, in my arms. The bear had tried to fight the snake but it is too big for him. What should I do now? There's no weapons around here...I have to run and protect this Bear at all costs!!!

I stand up from the fall slowly, making sure the snake is not attacking me while I'm doing so. But it is a failure. I can't feel my legs neither I can move it. "Damn, it must be the poison!" I half-curse and bite my lips, trying to contain the pain at least a bit.

"Don't worry, I will get you out from here so hold tight!" I say and smiles to the bear.


Huh? Just now..

"I will distract the snake while you try to run"

I look down to bear and finds it kinda smiling to me. How can I heard his voice? When bear could not even speak?

"Now, run!!!"

Bear frees himself from my hold and tries to attack the snake by itself. "BEAR!!!!" It was no use, the snake is far stronger than bear.. What should I do now?

By the time I realize it, Bear was already on the ground. He looks so mess up and some of his body is torn apart. "No..." My voice couldn't come out. "Please...don't..."

The painful memories from the past suddenly flashed through my mind, making me dizzier. I could see a man, wearing all black was holding onto Mikan. His back was facing me but the only thing I focused about was Mikan. Her face, arms and legs, have bruises all over her small body.

Gakuen Alice |〃I Will Protect You!〃Where stories live. Discover now