26 - Best Student Award

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Mia's POV

I walk behind Serio, making sure the distance between us are quite far but that seems to fail when he makes a sudden stop on his track. Ugh, I almost bumped onto him!


"You have the exact same face of that woman, except for your eyes" Serio says, a terrible fear gripped my heart the moment I heard what he said. That woman?

He turn around with his eyes on me while as his hand which has lots of Alice suoppressor rings is leaning closer to my face.

"Mia! Watch out!" Watery exclaims before she uses her own power and put me in a water carriage, I quickly backed away a few steps. "Heh, looks like you're a quite a troublesome one" Serio stated. "Who are you?" I growled in anger, remembering how he injured Natsume the other day.


"HEY!" A loud voice says from behind. Natsume comes running at us and despite the short distance between where we are and the classroom, he was panting endlessly.

"What are you trying to pull? Persona?" Natsume asks as he stands in front of me, blocking Persona.

"Wearing that sorry excuse for a disguise...what's a creep like you doing showing up in a classroom?" Natsume bombarded him with questions.

"I was under orders by the headmasters. They say that lately your eyes aren't as wild as they used to be..and told me to ascertain the cause myself.." Persona remark darkly as he pulls of the string which is tying his hair before releasing it.

"..And while I'm at it, I thought I might as well learn about the kitten of different color you've been hanging around with lately"

At this, my eyes snapped open, realizing who he is talking about.


I knew my instincts are not wrong when I felt this school had a very dark secret within it and I have to drag Mikan out from here before she got involved any further.

"And this girl too, the twin sister of that kitten who possessed a powerful Water Alice in which she can controlled splendidly. How interesting" Persona continued. So someone or a group of the academy's dogs have been watching me and Mikan all these times.

"What are you talking about?" Natsume asks.

"It was rather enjoyable, I never thought the day would come when I'd see you sitting quietly in your seat, taking a test. Even though there's nothing for you to gain from taking it" Persona stated before he looks back at Natsume.

"After all, you haven't had a home or family to go back to for a long time now"

My eyes widened at his statement. How dare he said that so bluntly like that! I tug on the hem of Natsume's shirt, hoping he wouldn't burst out any moment.

"The headmasters advise against their pet cat gaining any new favorites. Especially that kitten of a different color and the powerful Water Alice user behind you" Persona says.

"You're the ones that made her my partner!" Natsume exclaims. "That isn't what the headmasters wanted, you had best be careful" with that, Persona held out his hand to a plant, with a slight touch from him, the plant started to vanish into thin air as Persona takes his leave.

"Nats--" before I could finish my words, Natsume stumbled back as if the energy in his body had left him, resulting to him falling down but I catch him on time. "Natsume! You're burning up!" I exclaim panicky as I feel his hot touch.

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