47 - Promises Kept

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"I hope you will return them all"

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"I hope you will return them all"

"Are you going to chase over her again?" A voice suddenly speaks up, startling Narumi. This voice..isn't this--

"You should know better that Yuka wouldn't done such a thing without knowing the consequences, right?" The voice asks again, this time, having Narumi to look around his surrounding, searching for the owner of the familiar voice.

"You should've stay silent" Yuka mutter quietly. "We will meet each other back in the academy sooner or later after all" the voice says. Narumi blinked his eyes in confusion, where does the voice comes from?

Where is she?

"Why is she with you? What do you mean by we will meet in the academy?" Narumi asks urgently, taking a step forward to Yuka. "We already met, it's only you who didn't notice it" the voice says again.

Yuka sighed, "I will answer to your first request"


If I return them to you, you will chase me again" she says, keeping a poker face on. Silence begins to unfold and the wind is getting stronger by each moment passing.

"Narumi..are you keeping the promise that we made that day?" Yuka asks.


"Or is it--" Narumi cut off her words by saying, "I don't know, how it became this way.."

Yuka slips her hand through her coat's pocket before taking out a pouch and putting it on the ground. She turns her back to Narumi and walks towards Shiki who was waiting for her as they teleported away from the graveyard, leaving Narumi who dumbfounded.

Before teleporting, Yuka gives him a last glance.

'Narumi..I leave this to you' it was as if, her glance is trying to express something to him.

Narumi takes a hold of the pouch and his eyes were slightly widen upon knowing the content of it.

"Alice Stones.."


"Onee-chan! Hurry up or we'll be late!" Mikan exclaims from outside of Mia's triple star room. She changes glances to Anna, Nonoko and Sawa who are also there but they only shrugs their shoulders.

"It's rare for Mia to wake up late" Anna says, since the girl is always the one waking up Mikan rather than the opposite. "She must be sad, after all, she couldn't get back her lost alice" Nonoko stated worriedly, looking down to her feet.

Sawa bites her lips, where on earth is she?

"Ah! It's not locked!" Mikan exclaims before opening the door slowly. "Geez, Onee-chan! Hurry u--" her words were cut off  when she realized the room is empty and Mia was nowhere to be seen. "She's not here.." Mikan mutters in a quiet voice, her heart begins to palpitate rather quickly.

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