23 - The Person He Likes

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Mia's POV

My heart hurts.

It hurts so much.

I can't see anything, it's dark. Am I trapped? Trying to reach out to something or someone was useless. I can't reach them, I can't reach anyone.

A ray of light shined upon me as I held out my hand, wishing it will take me out from this darkness.

"Natsume..?" My voice faltered, even more when I saw his smile. Natsume is smiling?

He held out his hand, his lips never failed to form a smile.

Yet, his hand is not mine to hold.

"GAHHHHHHHHH" I groan in pain, rubbing the tip of my head as I tried to stand up again. Ugh, did I just fall from my bed? That was dumb af.

"That was rare of you, did you have a nightmare?" Watery asks after I finished getting ready for school. Looking down to my feet, "Yeah, a nightmare" I mutter slowly, I know I can't lie to Watery since she knows when I'm lying.

"Idiot, are you still thinking about that?" Watery asks again, stopping my hand on track. I know, I know I shouldn't, I know I should have just forget about it.

I know all of that.

"You can't decide, right? Which one is more important to you? Natsume or Mikan? Both are important to you and you can't bear to watch them being sad, right?" Watery says and surprisingly, everything she said is right.

I can't decide.

I swore I will protect Mikan no matter what happened. I will make sure that she is happy, enjoying her life to the fullest as she brings happiness to others around her.

And Natsume..my wish is for him to smile freely and enjoys himself. I want him to be freed from his problems, I want him to love his Alice more. I want him to know that he's nothing like the rumours said and the real Natsume she knows are the total opposite of those rumors.


"This is the first time ever, I've felt this kind of emotions. I..don't want to lose it so fast. I want to feel it more, this feelings of love.." I mumble slowly.

"Mikan's happiness is also mine"

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"Mikan's happiness is also mine"

That was what I said 3 years ago. I swore I will protect her. I swore I will make her happy. I swore our bond is unbreakable. I can't keep this feelings.

"So you will give up on your own feelings for Mikan's happiness? For Natsume?" Watery asks, her voice gets a bit louder than the usual her who is always calm.

"Natsume might be the guy who can make Mikan happier, even more than I could and Mikan can be the light that shines brighter than me in the darkness of Natsume's life,

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